Web Site Instructions
Message Posted January 29, 1998
The SLC has provided this overview of the web site as well as detailed navigation instructions. It is very important that you are familiar with these features before you complete your online application of Form 470. These items also are found in the "website instructions" under the reference section on the SLC web site.
Table Of Contents
Web Site Functions
Web Site Navigation
Web Site Help
Web Site Special Features
Pre Application Checklist
Basic Questions and Answers
This area of the SLC Web Site provides general information on what functions can be performed at the site and instructions on how to access and use the areas of the Web Site needed to complete a FCC Form 470. You will find here a vital checklist to consider before beginning the online submission of the FCC Form 470 application. In addition, these Web Site instructions include a set of Basic Questions and Answers about the Program.
Please note that SLC cannot accept FCC Form 471 applications at this time, consistent with the required 28-day waiting period after SLC acceptance of a properly completed FCC form 470 application.
This Web Site consists of three main areas:
The Reference Area
The Schools and Libraries Area
The Service Provider Area.
The functions of and information for each of these areas are described in more detail below.
Web Site Functions
Reference Area:
You are now in the Web Site Instructions, a component of the Reference Area. The Reference Area provides a variety of information about the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program. The Reference Area features:
a. Background information on the Program.
b. Web Site Instructions. This feature, which you are in now, provides general information on how to use this Web Site, including a vital check list (on following screens) for applicants to consider before beginning the online submission process.
c. Frequently Asked Questions about the Program. Pending completion of this area of the SLC Web Site, applicants or service providers seeking answers to questions beyond those featured later in this document, Basic Questions and Answers, may find further information in Clients’ Commonly Asked Questions on the Web Site of the National Exchange Carrier Association (www.neca.org).
d. Fund Status. This function provides the status on the amount of funds committed to date based on fully processed FCC Forms 471. No funds will be committed until after the 75-day application window has ended. Until funding commitments are made, no information will be available in this function.
e. Discount Matrix. This matrix is used to determine the discount level that can be applied to the services for which you will be requesting funding.
f. MSA/Goldsmith Information. This information may be used to determine whether the applicant is in a rural or urban area, which is important in determining the discount level to be applied to eligible services.
Schools and Libraries Area: This area of the Web Site enables you to perform the following functions:
a. Create/Submit a new FCC Form 470.
b. Complete an incomplete FCC Form 470 that was previously saved.
c. Search Posted Forms.
Service Provider Area: This area of the Web Site may be used by service providers to search for posted FCC Form 470 applications. Using this area of the Web Site, a service provider can enter various selection criteria (e.g., zip code) and obtain a list of posted applications meeting the selected criteria. The service provider can then select a specific completed FCC Form 470 for display.
Web Site Navigation
When you return to the Home Page from this screen, you can click on any of the images shown to go to any one of the three Web Site areas described above. When you click on the Reference Area, or Schools and Libraries Area, you will move to a menu option page. Read the options and make your selection by clicking on the appropriate text. You will then move to a specific page for review or data entry. When you click on the Service Provider Area, you will move to a screen that permits entry of various search criteria. When the search is completed, summary information about each application found during the search is provided. You may select one application at a time for display.
Each Web Site page contains buttons that perform specific functions and permit navigation to another page. DO NOT USE YOUR WEB BROWSER "BACK" OR "FORWARD" BUTTONS AS THE RESULTS WILL BE UNPREDICTABLE. THE "ENTER" KEY ALSO SHOULD NOT BE USED. The result may lead to confusion, as you may not be able to return to the place you left. DO NOT USE YOUR "CUT" AND "PASTE" FEATURES (marking text from another document to be added to the application) IN ANY OF THE TEXT FIELDS, AS UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS MAY OCCUR.
Use only the buttons located on each SLC Web Site page. These buttons are defined below:
Button Name
Does NOT save any information entered on the current page. Returns the user to the previous page.
Clear Form
Clears all specific user-entered data from the page. No information is saved.
Verifies new data, saves verified data, and takes the user to the next page (e.g., new block).
Save & Exit
Saves data entered but does not complete the application and returns the user to either a Menu option page or the Web Site Home Page.
Switches to the Schools & Libraries Home Page without saving data entered on the current page.
Cancels any data entered but not saved (via "next" or "save & exit") for the current application and returns to the Schools & Libraries Home Page. ALL data entered for the current page will be lost.
Brings up the Help screen for the current page in a new window. You must close the window to exit the Help screen.
Performs a search based upon the criteria entered by the user.
Web Site Help
This Web Site contains a Help function to assist you in using the Site. If you are on a specific page in the Schools and Libraries Area or Service Provider Area, you can click the Help Button. A Help Page will then appear which provides specific guidance for that page. To close the Help Page, and return to where you were, close the Help window. When you activate the Help Function, you begin a second Browser session. To exit Help, please close the Browser session and you will return to the application.
Website Special Features
To maximize your ability to complete the on-line application process accurately and successfully, you should be aware of some special features of the SLC site. These features are designed to validate your data entry, enable you to correct errors, and direct you only to those sections of the form requiring your input.
All clients should understand that this site has been designed to be accessible for the widest range of systems and to accommodate computer hardware models and software versions typically found in schools and libraries across the nation. As a result, applicants using older browsers to access the advanced features of this web site may experience suboptimal appearance and minor difficulties. Access to upgraded versions of old browsers may be available to you for free from the manufacturers. Check their web sites.
Special features include:
Sequential Input
Please note that all entries and sections in the application must be filled in sequentially. This feature assures that no vital information is omitted as you progress through the applications process.
Error Messages
These messages are displayed as you progress through the application. Each error message will be presented individually. On pages where you may have made multiple errors, you will be prompted to correct each one in turn, because an entry on a given line may affect a subsequent line.
Data Display Constraints
Certain alphanumeric fields will not be displayed in their entirety as you enter data in them; you will be able to scroll through these fields. This reflects an attempt to make the screen version of the form similar to the printed version in most respects and is affected by the version of the browser used.
Reliance on the SLC Database
When you use the application’s search function, you will always be led first to the SLC database for potential selections. This is designed to allow you to populate automatically certain fields (e.g., name, address, telephone number) with existing data. In cases where the data you seek are not contained in the database, or the information in the database is not accurate, you will be able to fill-in the relevant fields.
Save and Exit
Appropriate pages of the application will enable you to save your work and exit the application. When you press "save and exit," you will automatically return to the SLC Home Page after being asked to record your Universal Service Control Number before you exit the application. The Universal Service Control Number will enable you to return quickly to a completed application, and is required to retrieve an incomplete application.
Statewide Aggregation of Billed Entities/Billed Entities Exceeding 500
If the Form 470 application will be filed on-line there is the possibility that for applications with a large number of Billed Entities you may not be required to enter them all on-line. There are two cases where you do not need to enter all Billed Entities on-line. If, however, you meet the criteria and choose this option, you are required to complete the application process by mailing to the SLC a printed list of all Billed Entities, along with their zip codes and the zip codes of the recipients of service.
The first case applies to all-inclusive statewide consortia (All Public Schools in State, All Non-Public Schools in State, all Eligible Libraries in State, or All Public School Districts in State). If you qualify to fill in one of the statewide check boxes in Block 5, Item 19, you must mail in a list of the entities represented in your application to complete the certification process. The second case applies to those applicants who have more than 500 Eligible Billed Entities in Block 5 for Item 19 or more than 500 Ineligible Billed Entities in Item 20. Here too the applicant must mail in to the SLC a list of the entities represented in the application to complete the certification process.
If you meet the criteria identified above, your list should be mailed to the SLC, ideally with the signed certification. In any event, the list of Billed Entities is REQUIRED in order to complete the 470 certification process. It is the applicant's responsibility to assure that the list is complete and provided in a timely manner.
"Cookies" A Cookie is a very small text file placed on your computer's hard drive (with your permission) by the web site program. It cannot be executed as code, deliver viruses or read information from your system. It is required, however, to maintain the connectivity of the SLC application to your system. When a web site session ends, the cookie information is deleted from the web site and your hard drive.
Why SLC uses cookies:
The SLC Web Site contains an on-line version of the printed application form. Each form contains all of the business logic required for you to successfully complete the application. This was accomplished by using Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology.
Additional Information:
If You Want to Control Which Cookies You Accept:
You can configure your browser to accept all cookies or to alert you every time a cookie is offered. Then you can decide whether to accept one or not.
If you're using Internet Explorer 4.0:
1. Choose View, then
2. Internet Options.
3. Click the Advanced tab,
4. Scroll down to the yellow exclamation icon under Security and choose one of the three options to regulate your use of cookies. In Internet Explorer 3.0, you can select View, Options, Advanced and click on the button that says "Warn Before Accepting Cookies."
If you're using Netscape Communicator 4.0:
On your Task Bar, click:
1. Edit, then
2. Preferences, then
3. Click Advanced.
4. Set your options in the box labeled "Cookies".
Netscape 2.0
The cookie preferences cannot be set by the user. These versions default to accept all cookies.
How to See Cookies You've Accepted:
If you're using Internet Explorer 4.0
On your task bar, click:
1. View, then
2. Internet Options.
3. Under the tab General (the default tab) click
4. Settings, then
5. View Files.
Internet Explorer 3.0
On your Task Bar, click:
1. View, then
2. Options, then 3. Advanced, then
4. View Files.
Help Function
The Help Function of this Web Site is not limited to electronic navigation and computer assistance guidance. In fact, the information for each application screen provided on the Help function is an integral component of successfully completing the application process. For example, the Help instructions will often alert you to the consequences of certain choices. The Help function should be the first place you turn to for answers to your questions while completing the Form 470 on-line. To exit the Help Function, close the window using your Web Site browser. The SLC Client Service Bureau stands ready to assist you if the Help instructions do not address your issues. The Client Service Bureau telephone number is 1-888-203-8100.
Pre-Application Checklist - FCC Form 470
Before you begin the on-line submission of FCC Form 470, please review and complete the following checklist. While the "Save & Exit" function will allow you to stop your processing and return later, taking these preparatory steps will speed your process.
U Review the paper FCC Form 470 and all instructions. Keep a copy of the form handy by your side as reference materials. Copies of these items may be downloaded from the Internet at www.neca.org.
U Be prepared to note down in a secure place your Universal Service Control Number, provided by this system. This unique identifier will allow you to complete an incomplete application or refer to your application when speaking to an SLC Customer Service Representative.
U Make sure you understand the "Help" Function.
U Be sure of the precise name of the entity to be used in Block 1, "Name of Applicant." If your name is not already on the SLC database for you to select during the application process, your input of your applicant name will be a permanent feature of the SLC database, and a unique billed entity number will be linked to that name.
U Have ready the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) code number assigned to the applicant, if you know it. If you do not know it, the on-line application will help you find that information, as needed. (Block 1, Item (3a)) However, it is not required. Please note that your first input page provides an opportunity to enter an NCES code. At the school level, this is a 12-digit code, comprised of two digits for the state, five for the district, and five for the school.
U Identify the name (and relevant phone numbers and addresses) of the contact person for this application. This individual should be able to answer questions regarding the information on this form, including how to obtain a copy of your RFP, if you have one. This individual’s name will be part of the posting; SLC service representatives and/or telecommunications service providers may need to reach this individual.
U For schools, know the total number of K-12 students in your schools. (Block 2, Item (7a))
U For libraries, know the approximate number of patrons served, as defined by either the census population within your service area or the number of cardholders you serve. (Block 2, Item 7b))
U Be able to approximate the total number of buildings and rooms for which you seek service. (Block 2, Item (8) and (9))
U Determine whether any eligible services you currently receive qualify as pre-existing contracts. Such contracts must have been signed before this SLC Web Site opened for receiving applications. If your entire application is only for services under pre-existing contracts, then have available the signing and termination dates for each contract. (Block 3, Item (10))
U Have you developed a Request For Proposal (RFP) for any of the services to be covered in the FCC Form 470? A RFP is not required by the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program, and is optional. If you have elected to develop a RFP, have you posted the RFP to a Web Site? If so, have the Web Site address handy. (Block 3, Item (11))
U Description of Services Requested. Please review the written instructions accompanying the FCC form 470. (Block 3, Items (12) - (15), and (17)). Note that in lieu of attachments for Item (15), space is provided on-line to provide additional information. Please note that the on-line application allows for the entry of 2000 characters in Item 15.
U Identify and summarize any state or local restrictions regarding how and when the applicant can be contacted by potential providers. (Block 3, Item (16))
U Have ready the results of your technology assessment. (Block 4, Item (18)) While approval of your technology plan is not required at this stage, you may want to read about SLC technology plans and procedures before you begin this application. (See Question #20 in Basic Questions and Answers for how to access Explanation of SLC’s Technology Plan Policies and Procedures and Questions and Answers Regarding SLC’s Technology Plan Policies and Procedures.)
U Have ready the name and zip code of each eligible entity (i.e. those eligible entities receiving bills directly from service providers or who are reimbursing a billed entity for services received) and the zip code of each recipient of service. (Block 5, Item (19) and (20)
U Review certifications required in Block 6, Items (21) - (26) to verify eligibility and that the person electronically releasing the form has the authority to do so. No edits can be made to the form after its release.
U Having released the form, be sure to print the completed certification page for signature. If you exit without printing, you will not be able to return to the application for this print function.
U Use the Print feature of your browser to print these Web Site Instructions as a convenient resource for addressing aspects of the application process as you encounter them.
U Please remember that not all requested services may necessarily be approved for discounts. Your applications are subject to review by SLC before funds are committed. No funds will be committed until the SLC review of the FCC Form 471. This review will occur after the 75-day filing window closes. The SLC review will consider eligibility of discount recipients, the contract signing dates of pre-existing contracts, and the eligibility of services for which discounts are requested. Availability of funds and compliance with all of the rules governing this program will also be evaluated. You should thus consider the possibility of a denial of funding or a level of funding below your request, and include appropriate contingencies in any potential contracts for any or all of the requested services.
Basic Questions and Answers
Q. 1) What schools are eligible to receive discounts?
A. Schools must meet the statutory definition of an elementary or secondary school, found in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. They must be not-for-profit and may not have an endowment exceeding $50 million. Examples include:
Public schools
Private schools
Non-public schools
Parochial schools
Area vocational technical schools
Charter Schools
Intermediate Units
Q. 2) What schools are NOT eligible to receive discounts?
A. Schools not meeting the above definitions are not eligible for discounts. Examples include:
Home school programs
Institutions of higher education
Private vocational skills schools
Q. 3) What libraries are eligible to receive discounts?
A. Libraries or library consortia which are not-for-profit and eligible for assistance from a state library administrative agency under the Library Service and Technology Act are eligible for discounted services. Examples include:
Public libraries
Private libraries, but only if the state in which the library is located determines that the library should be considered a library for purposes of this definition.
Research libraries that: (1) make publicly available library services and materials suitable for scholarly research and not otherwise available to the public and (2) are not an integral part of an institution of higher education.
Academic libraries
Q. 4) What libraries are NOT eligible to receive discounts?
A. Libraries not meeting the above definitions and whose budgets are not completely separate from any schools are not eligible for discounts.
Q. 5) Can eligible schools and libraries join a consortium with ineligible members and still receive discounts?
A. Yes. The discounts, however, may be applied only to the eligible entities. Entities not eligible for universal service discounts may benefit from lower pre-discount prices from such aggregation. Mixing eligibility will place significant record-keeping responsibility on consortia. They will be required to demonstrate that only eligible entities receive the discounts.
Q. 6) What telecommunications services are eligible for discounts?
A. Eligible schools and libraries may purchase all commercially available telecommunications services at discounted prices. Internet access and installation and maintenance of internal connections are also eligible for discounted rates. Examples include:
Eligible Telecommunication Services
Basic phone service
Leased data circuits
T1, 56 kbs, ISDN lines
Dial-up Internet access
Direct Internet connections
Wireless telecommunications
Eligible Internal Connections
Network servers
Certain networking operating software
Wireless LANs and Wireline LANs Installation & basic maintenance
Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
Q. 7) Are there any telecommunications services that are NOT eligible for discounts?
A. Yes. Examples of ineligible telecommunications services and internal connections or products/services include:
Ineligible Telecommunications Services
Content Services
Ineligible Internal Connections or Products/Services
Personal computers
FAX machines
Voice mail
Electrical wiring
Asbestos removal
Cable modems
Q. 8) How is the discount calculated?
A. Discounts for eligible schools and libraries are set as a percentage discount from the pre-discount price. Pre-discount price means the price the service provider agrees to accept as total payment for its telecommunications services.
Q. 9) How is the Schools discount rate calculated?
A. The discount rate for schools is based on the percentage of students eligible for participation in the national school lunch program and the school’s classification as rural or urban. For shared services, school districts applying for discounts on behalf of their individual schools may calculate the district-wide average percentage of eligible students.
Q. 10) How is the Libraries discount rate calculated?
A. The discount for libraries is based on the percentage of students eligible for participation in the national school lunch program in the public school district in which the library is located. Library systems may apply for discounted services on behalf of individual branches by calculating a system-wide percentage.
Q. 11) What classifies a school or library as "urban?"
A. Schools and libraries located in metropolitan counties, as measured by the Office of Management and Budget’s Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) method, are designated as urban.
Q. 12) What classifies a school or library as "rural?"
A. Schools and libraries located in non-metropolitan counties, as designated by the MSA method, are considered rural.
Q. 13) Are there any exceptions to the MSA rule above? A. Yes. Portions of urban metropolitan counties may still be classified as rural if their census block or tract number is identified by the "Goldsmith Modification" table. The "Goldsmith Modification" identifies those rural areas by census tract numbers within the larger urban metropolitan counties.
Q. 14) Where can I find an MSA list?
A. An MSA list, along with the "Goldsmith Modification" will be found in this Reference Area; click on "MSA/Goldsmith Information" at the Reference Area Menu page. This information is also available from the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) (www.neca.org). Or, you can obtain a paper copy from the Schools and Libraries Corporation, by contacting 1-888-203-8100.
Q. 15) What is the competitive bidding requirement?
A. The FCC requires that requests for services be posted on the SLC Website for 28 days, making the information available to potential service providers.
16) May I file a FCC Form 471 before the 28 day waiting period for FCC Form 470 has expired?
A. No, there is a mandatory 28 day waiting period applicable to each FCC Form 470 Application: for those confined to qualified pre-existing contracts; those applications for new requests for services; and "blended applications" covering both existing contracts and requests for new services.
Q. 17) What if I have a pre-existing contract? Do I still have to comply with the competitive bidding requirement?
A. The applicability of competitive bidding requirements depends on when a pre-existing contract was signed. Contracts for eligible services entered into on or before July 10, 1997 are exempt from the 28 day website posting requirement, for the entire term of the contract. Annual requests for renewal funding will be accepted without renegotiating contract terms or website posting of the service request. Also, contracts signed between July 11, 1997 and the date the website opened to receive applications are exempt only with respect to services provided between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 1998. Contracts signed on or after the day this website opened for on-line processing of applications are not pre-existing contracts and are subject to the 28 day website posting requirement.
Q. 18) Is there anything a school or library needs to do prior to applying for discounted services?
A. Yes. Each school or library must be included within a technology plan to ensure it has the ability to use the services once they are purchased. Schools and libraries must prepare a technology plan covering the current, next and future years.
Q. 19) What needs to be included in a technology plan?
A. Technology plans should specify how schools and libraries plan to integrate the use of these technologies into their curricula and programs. The plan must contain a technology assessment which includes information on:
Computer equipment
Internal connections
Computer software necessary to communicate with other computers over an internal network and over the public telecommunications network
Experience or training received by staff in the use of the equipment to be connected to the telecommunications network
Maintenance contracts
The capacity of the school’s or library’s electrical system
Q. 20) Who approves technology plans?
A. The technology plans must receive independent approval, ideally by a state agency that oversees schools or libraries. The SLC also has authority to approve technology plans. If a school or library has a technology plan that has already been approved for another purpose, e.g. for participation in federal or state programs, it will be accepted without need for further independent approval. For more details regarding the approval process, please visit the Schools and Libraries Corporation’s page at the web site of the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), (www.neca.org). Click on "Funds" at the NECA Home Page, then click on "Funds Administration" and "Schools and Libraries Corporation." There, the SLC has posted its technology review procedures and policies, as well as related questions and answers.
Q. 21) What forms are necessary to apply for a discount and how/when are they used?
A. There are three forms used in the application process:
FCC Form 470, Description of Services Requested and Certification must be completed by the entity negotiating with service providers. It may be entered by the applicant over the Internet at the SLC Website (www.slcfund.org) or mailed to the SLC, P.O. Box 4217, Iowa City, Iowa, 52244-4217. If entered over the internet, the Certification block must be printed, signed by an authorized individual, and mailed to the SLC.
FCC Form 471, Services Ordered and Certification must be completed once a service provider is selected. This form can be mailed to the SLC at P.O. Box 4217, Iowa City, Iowa, 52244-4217. Note, however that the Form 471 may not be filed until 28 days after the completed Form 470 has been accepted. This requirement applies to all applications: those for new services (which are posted); applications for discounts solely for eligible services covered under qualified pre-existing contracts (which are not posted for competitive bidding); and "blended" applications comprising both qualified pre-existing contracts and requests for new services.
Receipt of Service Notification Form (not yet released), is completed by the school or library when the service is operational. This form is mailed to the SLC. Upon receipt of this form, the SLC will implement the discount process.
Q. 22) What is the preferred method of application?
A. Submitting applications (Form 470) over the Internet, via the SLC Website (www.slcfund.org) is the more timely method for submitting requests.
Q. 23) How are discounts for pre-existing contracts handled?
A. Schools or libraries wishing to apply for discounts for pre-existing contracts must also submit FCC Form 470, describing the pre-existing contract. Even for those applicants whose forms are solely for pre-existing contracts, their Forms 471 will not be accepted until 28 days after SLC accepts and approves a completed Form 470. Applicants will be notified promptly by the SLC when the Form 470 is accepted.
Q. 24) Am I limited to only one funding request per year?
A. No. Eligible entities can submit more than one request (Form 470) per funding year.
Q. 25) How does the competitive bidding process work?
A. Requests for new services must be posted on the SLC Website for 28 days. During that time, service providers may offer bids to schools and libraries for the requested services. The applicant is required to wait 28 days before a contract can be signed. At the end of the 28 day website posting, the applicant may then select a vendor(s) from the bids received.
Q. 26) What is the initial "window" for submitting requests to the SLC?
A. All schools and libraries will have an initial 75-day "window" to submit their properly completed applications. The window period began on the date when this website opened to receive applications. All properly completed applications filed during this initial 75-day window will be treated as if simultaneously received. Both FCC Forms 470 and 471, properly completed, and their respective Certifications must be received by the SLC by the 75th day to receive this treatment.
Q. 27) What happens after the "window" is closed?
A. Forms received after the 75th day will be treated for funding commitment on a first-come, first-served basis.
Q. 28) When do discounts begin?
A. Discounts for eligible services are scheduled to begin on January 1, 1998, or the date that a contract is signed, whichever is later.
Q. 29) How is the discount applied?
A. The school or library will pay the service provider only for the non-discounted portion of the services.
Q. 30) I have a multiple year contract for services. Can I apply just once for all the years of the contract?
A. No. The funded discount will be committed only for services delivered during the current funding year. Schools and libraries must reapply for discounts each year. Discounts cannot be guaranteed for subsequent years and multiple year discounts will not be granted.
Q. 31) When should I apply for new funding?
A. Schools and libraries must file new funding requests for services to be provided in the following funding year. Form 470 applications will be accepted beginning each July 1st. The funding year is on a calendar basis, beginning January 1st of each year.
Q. 32) Which entities file a Form 470, Description of Services Requested and Certification Form?
A. The entity that will negotiate with potential service providers should complete the Form 470. All schools and libraries, or consortia acting on behalf of schools and libraries, requesting discounts on telecommunications services, Internet access and internal connections, ("eligible services") must be represented (directly or indirectly) on a Form 470. For example, if a school district negotiates with potential service providers on behalf of the schools in a district, an authorized person from the school district should complete the form. Similarly, if a regional entity negotiates on behalf of a number of school districts, an authorized person for that regional entity should complete the Form 470. (Form 470 Instructions, II.A.)
Q. 33) Which entities file FCC Form 471?
A. Each entity actually paying bills to the service provider for the schools and libraries should file a separate Form 471. (Form 471 Instructions, II.A. Who must file?)
An applicant filling in Form 471 may be ". . . an individual school or library or a consortium, including a school district that is the billed entity for its schools. You may also be a city, a state, or an entity created solely to participate in this universal service discount mechanism, but only if you are the billed entity, in that you actually pay the bills for the service to the service provider." (Form 471 Instructions, Block 1, Applicant Name and Address, Item (1)).
A lead member of a consortium may file a Form 471 which includes other members of the consortium if the lead member of the consortium is responsible for paying the bills to the service providers on behalf of the other members of the consortium. The lead consortium member must undertake all of the record keeping and other administrative requirements to comply with the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program. Alternatively, a consortium where each member pays its bills directly to the service provider will result in several Form 471 filings: at least one Form 471 application for each entity paying bills directly to a service provider.
The entity that actually pays the bill is the entity who writes the check or makes financial arrangements, such as electronic funds transfer, to pay the service provider.
Examples of billed entities include state or local government entities which pay the bills to service providers, and then allocate the bill among eligible schools, libraries and/or other entities. Another example is a school district who pays the service provider’s bill for all of the schools within a school district. A county library system may reimburse the county government for its share of telecommunications and other eligible services and the county may pay the service provider.
It is also permissible for the billed entity to authorize another party to submit the Form 471 on its behalf so long as that delegation of authority is legally binding under state law and properly documented. The billed entity should still be listed in Block 1 of Form 471. For example, where a local government unit is the billed entity, the Form 471 may be completed and submitted by the school district that will be receiving the discounts.
Q. 34) In filling in Form 470, Block 4, "Technology Assessment," item (18c.), an applicant may have no intention of procuring any computers. How should the application be filled out? A. An application may select "a sufficient quantity of computers has been purchased." A sufficient quantity may, in certain circumstances, be zero.
Q. 35) In filling in Form 470, Block 4, item (18), an applicant has checked the box to indicate that the application is only for basic voice telephone service. How should the applicant fill in Form 470, Block 6, item 22?
A. An applicant that has checked the box on Form 470, Block 4, item (18) to indicate that the application is only for basic voice telephone service should leave blank Form 470, Block 6, item 22.
Q. 36) What kinds of adjustments can an applicant request to be made to a funding commitment?
A. 1) If an applicant requests an additional amount of funding to cover the costs of a contract amendment or change in scope of services, the applicant must file a new Form 471 which sets out the additional funding request. The applicant may be exempt from posting a request for services if the contract amendment or change in scope of services does not have to be competitively bid according to state or local procurement requirements. If not exempt under state or local procurement requirements, the applicant must also submit a new Form 470 to cover a contract amendment.
2) If an applicant requests a decrease in the amount of a previously approved funding commitment, the applicant should call the Client Service Bureau’s toll free number, 1-888-203-8100, to communicate the change. This information is important to SLC, which seeks to use fully all available funding, if needed, for eligible schools and libraries.
If you have further questions, you may call the following toll-free number: 1-888-203-8100.
