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E-rate Update - Link-to-Learn Grants Announced
Message Posted February 6, 1998

E-rate Allowances for Contract Modifications Outlined

It is with pleasure that I inform you that on Thursday, February 5, Education Secretary Eugene W. Hickok announced he release of the basic education Link-to-Learn grants totalling $36.3 million.

Building on the Commonwealth's $33 million investment in 1996-97, Link-to-Learn's second year provides more than 36 million in Basic Education Grants to public schools. This year, area vocational-technical schools (AVTS) also could apply. The funds will be used to acquire high-speed Internet connections and wide-area networks, and also may be used for computers, local area networks, teacher training, educational software, and to address the Year 2000 problem. With the announcement of the grant awards, schools now will have a significant new pool of money from which they can leverage their E-rate discounts. The Department of Education strongly encourages schools to apply for E-rate discounts for eligible services that are planned with their Link-to-Learn funds and realizes such action raises several important questions.

As you know, the E-rate Discount Program officially opened its website on Friday, January 30, 1998. The opening of this website triggered the beginning of the 75-day initial filing window, during which all applications (Forms 470 and 471) will be treated as if filed simultaneously. Schools will not receive confirmation that their discounts are guaranteed until after the 75-day window closes.

Because schools will not be assured of their discounts until after the close of the initial 75-day filing window, approx. April 14, schools must request an extension of the contract termination date if they would like to expend their Link-to-Learn savings after June 30. Termination dates will be extended until December 31, 1998.

Schools also may make budgetary transfers once they receive E-rate discounts; any savings must be reinvested into one of the Link-to-Learn categories. In cases where less than 20% of Link-to-Learn funds are being transferred from one budget category to another, schools should simply submit a revised budget to the Department. If a school plans to transfer more than 20% of Link-to-Learn funds, a budget revision request and justification should be submitted.

Send requests for extensions and modifications to: Walter Leech, PA Office of Educational Technology, PA Department of Education, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333. We hope this provides schools with the flexibility they need to more forward with their procurement plans. Questions about the E-rate can continue to be directed to the Schools and Libraries Corporation or to Julie Tritt at the Office of Educational Technology at 717-787-5820.


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