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Automated Technology Planning Tool Soon To Be Released
Message Posted March 20, 2000

~ Preview Site Online Now ~

As you know, E-rate applicants are required to have an approved technology

plan as a requirement of the discount program. When the E-rate first began

more than 2 years ago, most schools had recently had technology plans

approved for the TLCF (Technology Literacy Challenge Fund) program, and

therefore did not need to resubmit a new plan for approval.

Many of these plans are now coming due, which is one major reason that the eTechPlanner

was created. The general announcement about the technology planning tool

was just released by our office and is below. Although a preview site is

online, the actual tool will be released over the next two months, and

regional workshops are being scheduled for training. We hope you find it

helpful in your technology planning efforts.

-- Julie

The Pennsylvania Office of Educational Technology is pleased to present our

newest, exciting initiative called the eTechPlanner, an online technology

planning tutorial and submission process. The preview site is available at



The eTechPlanner was created to assist school districts with developing

technology plans. As you know, the federal Title III (Technology Literacy

Challenge Fund program - http://www.l2l.org/tlcf), as well as the E-Rate

program (http://www.pde.psu.edu/usf/index.html), require the Department of

Education to approve technology plans before local education agencies

(school districts, charter schools, area vocational technical schools, and

intermediate units) can be eligible for monies under those programs. The

Department also is required to provide assistance to these entities in

technology planning and implementation.

In previous years, the Department released a template of required technology

plan criteria that schools were required to use. Although the list of

criteria was a good first step for schools in trying to decide what to and

what not to include in their plans, it certainly provided no real assistance

to schools in their planning efforts. This led to the creation of the

eTechPlanner which provides not only the planning requirements but also

templates and tools to assist you with completing the plan.


The eTechPlanner was designed to be a tool that would not only provide good

planning resources schools and libraries need, but a tool that would

automate certain aspects of the planning process as well. We wanted to

provide a tool that would not just be another form to complete but a tool

that empowers local decision makers. Through this effort, schools not only

will be eligible for these federal funds under several programs, but also

will be better positioned to leverage their own local investments in



Technology plans developed with the eTechPlanner will allow you to complete

your technology plan on-line. Each section will have guides, resources,

tools, and templates to assist you with completing the questions. After

completing your technology plan, an ePeer Review process will review your

plan and provide approval recommendations to the Office of Educational

Technology, the office that will grant final approval for your technology

plan. District technology plans will be phased in based upon the expiration

date of their current plans filed with the Department.


The eTechPlanner will be released in several stages. The site currently has

some documents which will help you learn more about the eTechPlanner, what

the phases of the planning tool will require, and an idea of the information

you'll need to collect. We have also included a list of what plans the

Department has approved and when they expire. In this way, we will be able

to phase in those that need to submit revised technology plans.

The next stage to be launched at the end of the month will be a revised

Technology Assessment that previously was administered by the University of

Pittsburgh. We have revised the survey to make it slightly easier and a

little more condensed. We have moved it to the eTechPlanner so that the

information you enter through the survey will automatically complete

sections of the Technology Plan. In order to give you a head start on the

data we will be asking, Adobe Acrobat documents of the survey are currently

available on the eTechPlanner site.

Toward the end of April, we will be releasing the next stage which will be

the eTechPlanner itself. To help you prepare for this phase, we have

provided you with several guides that outline each of the sections.

Finally, the Department will be scheduling several regional workshops during

the first two weeks of May. The eTechPlanner will be covered in detail

during these workshops along with several other new technology initiatives.

Watch the Link-to-Learn and eTechPlanner websites for more details.

We are excited about this project and hope you will find it useful in

planning for the successful use of technology to enhance student learning

and achievement, realize efficiencies in administration and management, and

to increase communications and access to information in our schools and


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

John Bailey

Director of Educational Technology


Charlene Brennan

Director of Curriculum & Technology Services

Colonial Intermediate Unit 20


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