E-rate Update - Teleconference to Air March 4
Message Posted February 17, 1998
On March 4, the Virginia Department of Education, in cooperation with the Schools and Libraries Corporation, will present a live satellite teleconference on Universal Service Implementation from 2:00 to 3:30 PM eastern time.
Again, there will be no charge to schools and libraries who wish to downlink the teleconference and/or tape it for later viewing.
Debra Kriete and Mickey Revenaugh of the Schools and Libraries Corporation will discussing implementation and billing issues for the Universal Service (E-Rate) program and implications of the FCC's Fourth Reconsideration Order.
This program will be broadcast LIVE on C-Band satellite:
Galaxy 6 (74 degrees west)
Channel 21 (4120 Mhz)
Test time: 1:45 PM eastern time
Program: 2:00-3:30 PM eastern time
If you would like to be a downlink site, please e-mail Julie Tritt [00jtritt@psupen.psu.edu] with your name, phone, location, seating capacity, and contact person's name, phone and e-mail. The list will be compiled and posted to Penn*LINK, the PDE E-rate listserve, and the PDE E-rate homepage prior to the teleconference.
-- Julie
