E-rate Update - Two E-rate Events Scheduled
Message Posted February 17, 1998
* * * E-rate/TLCF Pre-grant Workshop * * *
On Friday, February 27, the Department of Education will be holding an E-rate/Technology Literacy Challenge Fund pre-grant workshop at the Harrisburg Hilton and Towers from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registrants must be pre-registered to attend.
During the E-rate portion of the program, participants will be provided with a program update, a review of FCC Form 471 and how Link-to-Learn and PEPPM contracts are affected by the program.
During the TLCF pre-grant workshop portion of the program, assistance will be provided to LEAs preparing their 1997-98 Technology Literacy Challenge Fund Request for Proposals (RFPs). The session will provide an overview and goals of the program and will review the applications.
To register, please contact Julie Tritt by February 23. Include your name, title, school entity, phone, and fax. Seating is limited. If you have questions or need further clarification, please contact Cindy Rhoads at (717) 783-2193.
* * * E-rate Implementation Teleconference * * *
On March 4, the Virginia Department of Education, in cooperation with the Schools and Libraries Corporation, will present a live satellite teleconference on Universal Service Implementation from 2:00 to 3:30 PM eastern time.
Again, there will be no charge to schools and libraries who wish to downlink the teleconference and/or tape it for later viewing.
Debra Kriete and Mickey Revenaugh of the Schools and Libraries Corporation will be discussing implementation and billing issues for the Universal Service (E-Rate) program and implications of the FCC's Fourth Reconsideration Order.
This program will be broadcast LIVE on C-Band satellite:
Galaxy 6 (74 degrees west)
Channel 21 (4120 Mhz)
Test time: 1:45 PM eastern time
Program: 2:00-3:30 PM eastern time
If you would like to be a downlink site, please e-mail Julie Tritt [00jtritt@psupen.psu.edu] with your name, phone, location, seating capacity, and contact person's name, phone and e-mail. The list will be compiled and posted to Penn*LINK, the PDE E-rate listserve, and the PDE E-rate homepage prior to the teleconference.
