Let SLD Know How to Reach You This Summer
Message Posted June 21, 2000
From the SLD website:
If you will be away from your usual location or modes of contact during the coming weeks, please use our
Summer Contact database to let us know how to reach you (or your stand-in) if we have questions as we complete
review of your E-rate application. This is particularly important for those who applied but have not yet received Year 3 Funding
Commitment Decision Letters, those who have filed Year 3 appeals, and those who submitted Year 2 applications after
the close of the original filing window on April 6, 1999. We will begin reviewing Year 3 appeals and Year 2 post-window
applications in the coming weeks.
The database will allow you to provide temporary contact information via the Web Site (or, if you don't have Web access,
by calling our Client Service Bureau at (888) 203-8100). Our problem resolution and Program Integrity Assurance staff will
use this database as they work on your application, so you can help avoid processing delays by providing your summer
contact information as soon as possible. (Service providers can also search the database by Billed Entity Number if they
need to reach you during this same period.)
To use the Summer Contact database, you'll need to enter your Billed Entity Number. Then you can type in any pertinent
information (such as an alternate phone number or contact name) that will help us find you this summer. Those without Web
access should call 888-203-8100, and our customer service staff will enter the data for you. Please note: Summer contact
data will not affect your permanent record in our data system
-- SLD
Julie Tritt Schell
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax