Needed: E-rate SPIN Numbers / BEAR Contact Info
Message Posted September 25, 2000
Dear E-rate Friends:
In an effort to provide all PA applicants with more E-rate information for
Year 4, I am trying to obtain all E-rate SPIN numbers that Pennsylvania
schools and libraries do business with AND trying to obtain the BEAR contact
information for each one. I have about 78 SPINs listed below -- if you know
of ones that I'm missing OR if have the BEAR contact name, phone and
fax-back number for any SPIN, please e-mail it to me. Thanks for your
-- Julie
2econd Childhood Computers 143004841
3 COM 143004615
Advanced Tech Lab., Inc. 143015306
Allied Telesyn International 143004717
Alltel Telephone Co. 143001376
ALL TEL Supply 143004672
Anixter Network Systems 143004691
Apple Computer Inc 143004358
ASCC, Inc. 143005284
AT&T 143001192
Bay Networks USA, Inc 143005014
Bell Atlantic 143001398
Blair Park Services 143004856
Buffalo Valley Telephone Co. 143001365
Cabletron Systems 143004393
Catalink Direct 143004481
Cellular One 143000736
Cisco Systems 143004718
Commonwealth Communications 143000041
CommPutercations 143012052
Compaq Inc 143004850
Computer CenterLine 143004885
Computer City Direct 143006045
Computer Solutions 143014775
Concurrent Technologies 143004678
CTI Netrax 143001180
Cutting Edge 143007660
DakTech Inc 143006006
Daly Computers Inc 143005121
Data Networks Inc 143005976
Digital Equipment Corporation 143004338
digitalSunrise 143004919
DTK Computer Inc 143004975
Educational Technology Associates 143004965
Elcom Services Group 143004481
ePlus Technology of PA 143006553
Freedom Systems Corporation 143005990
Gateway 143004991
Government Computer Sales 143004569
GTE North Incorporated 143004791
Inacom Information Systems 143005056
Integra Business Center Inc 143004753
IntellaCom 143005321
Internet Products 143005362
Kingdom Computer Systems 143006835
LAM Systems 143007382
Link Computer Corporation 143006115
Lucent Technologies 143005201
Management Systems Applications 143008432
MCI 143001197
MicroMedia Corporation 143006554
Micron Electronics 143004390
Microsys Corporation 143006882
Micro Technology Groupe, Inc. 143008940
Midwest Micro Corporation 143004884
NAC 143001100
NCS 143007155
New MMI Corporation 143009174
Packard Bell NEC 143006167
PA Computer Connections 143006100
PC Connection, Inc. 143006532
PC Works Plus, Inc. 143004444
Pensel 143003196
Performance Computers 143020969
Pony Computer Inc 143004519
Pyramid Computer Inc 143006123
Questeq 143004841
RG Technology Inc 143007462
Siemens Business Communications Systems 143004816
SMAC Data Systems 143009133
SmartStuff Software 143008962
Sprint 143001394
Unisys Corporation 143004634
Verizon Internet Services 143004333
Verizon Moble Services (BAMS) 143000677
Verizon Network Integration 143004468
Wave Technology Inc 143005045
Xerox Connect 143021790
Julie Tritt Schell
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax