New E-rate PIN System
SLD Discards all PINs: Applicants Must Re-Apply with New System
Message Posted November 24, 2003
I'm happy to report that the SLD has improved the security of their Applicant PIN system, but regret to inform everyone with PINs that their current PINs were deactivated last week and applicants are required to re-apply to get a new PIN.
The method to get a new PIN is almost identical to the old, except that you must now provide the "security code" and "application ID number" in addition to the previously-approved 471 or 486 number. The "security code" is the short number that pops up on your screen when you start a new form and is just used to get you back into a saved, but not-yet-submitted form.
Most applicants discard this security code when the submit button is hit because it's no longer needed and thus getting a new PIN may be difficult until Year 7 funding is committed next spring and summer if you didn't keep that code. The restructured Applicant PIN System will enable enhanced security: an e-mail message will be sent to the e-mail address registered to the PIN each time the PIN is used. If the security of the PIN has been compromised, the authorized person will know immediately and should call the Client Service Bureau to alert the SLD.
The SLD's PIN request function is on the SLD's website on the left toolbar.
To obtain a new PIN, the person who was authorized and who signed (either on paper or online) an online Form 471 or a completed, online Form 486 that contains at least one funded FRN must enter the application number and the security code for that form. The authorized person requesting a PIN will also have to provide identifying contact information and a current e-mail address. If the system requirements are met, the SLD will send the authorized person an e-mail within one hour with the information necessary to access the new PIN. The PIN can be used immediately to certify a form online.
As you know, all applicants can submit forms online, but only those applicants with PINs can certify/sign those forms. All other applicants must print the signature/certification page, sign, and mail to the SLD (by Feb. 4!) after they've hit the submit button.
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)