SLD Temporarily Suspends Yr 7 Funding Waves
Message Posted August 30, 2004
As you may have noticed, there have been no Year 7 E-rate funding
announcements since August 2. We have been informed that they have
temporarily suspended issuance of Year 7 E-rate funding commitment waves due
to problems arising from a change in federal accounting standards for
Universal Service Funds. The suspension actually affects Year 7 funding
waves, and applicants still waiting to hear about their Year 6 applications,
as well. The suspension does not apply to the disbursement of BEAR
reimbursement funding to applicants or SPIF reimbursement funding to service
providers for previously approved applications. The SLD and FCC are
actively working to resolve the accounting issues.
I realize that more than 35% of the priority 1 funding requests in
Pennsylvania still have not been decided, and I have raised your frustration
with the executives at the SLD. We have been assured that the SLD's PIA
staff are continuing to pending applications during this temporary
suspension of funding waves. While we have no indication how long the
suspension will last, I suspect it will not be more than a few more weeks.
I'll let you know when the funding has been resumed.
Thanks for your patience...
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
