EPC and 470 Hints and Work-arounds

December 9, 2015

There are many quirks in the new EPC system and new Form 470, as I’m sure you are all aware.  Below is a list of the most common issues or questions that you’ve been asking, along with my suggestions.  If you are having other problems, please let me know!

Related to EPC…

1)  You Don’t Have Permission to Perform This Task…

If you get this error message, it likely means that you are the Account Administrator, but you didn’t give yourself ‘Full Rights’ permission under ‘Manage User Permissions.’  If you have given yourself Full Rights and you continue to receive this error, call USAC at 888-203-8100 because it means there’s an incorrect setting for you in their system.

2)  Building-Level E-mail Addresses

When you go into each school’s profile page to update the enrollment/NSLP data, you’re required to enter the school’s e-mail address.  In actuality, there’s no such thing and USAC has said this can be a made-up address. They’re working to have it changed in the system to remove this field entirely, but the fix may not be made until January or February. So if you’re updating any data on a school’s page and you see this field, just put in dummy data (such as a@a.com) in order to proceed.

3)  Getting to Your Landing Page

Simply click on the USAC logo at the top left corner of any page to return to your Landing Page (home).

4)  AA Can’t See New User in System?

After a new User is created by the AA, that user is sent an automated e-mail from EPC asking them to go to the EPC portal and create their password.  After the User clicks on the link in their e-mail, they will only have 15 minutes to perform this task. After the User has created their EPC password, they must log-in and accept their Terms and Conditions.  Only after the T & Cs  have been accepted will they show up in the School District or Library’s EPC portal as a User.

5)  Haven’t Received a Response from a Submitted Customer Service Case ?

USAC is having a difficult time with their online Customer Service Case system and often can’t access the cases that were submitted.  If you submitted a Case and haven’t received a reply, call USAC to have your issue resolved instead.  888-203-8100.

Related to the New Form 470…

6)  Form 470 – Voice Services

For voice services on the new 470, it asks for the # of users, instead of # of lines.  To get passed the system, list the # of lines in this box, and then in the narrative box list the actual services required. For example, if you need 2 PRIs and 20 POTS lines, in the # of users box you would list 20, and then in the narrative box below, you would explain the services you actually need.

7)  Should You Check that You Have State and Local Procurement Requirements?

Yes!  This is the space where you place instructions on bidders, such as the final date to submit bids (can’t be earlier than 28 days after posting the 470), where to submit bids, in what format, if references are required, if vendors must have SPIN numbers, etc.  Use this space wisely!

8)  How to List Cellular Voice if You Have Bundled Voice/Data Services

For most applicants, cellular data is not eligible, but that doesn’t mean that many of you still want to apply for the voice portion of a cellular data/voice bundle.  In these cases, choose Cellular Voice on the drop down menu (not Cellular Data), and then list the # of plans.  In the narrative box below, list how many voice-only plans you want and how many bundled voice/data plans you want, recognizing that the data portion of the plans aren’t E-rate eligible.

9)  Obtaining a Final, Submitted Copy of Your 470

After you’ve “certified” your 470, it’s often difficult to find a final copy.  At the bottom of your Landing Page (home), scroll to the bottom where it says Form 470.  Click on the 470 Nickname that you gave the form and it will show you a summarized version of the 470.  To download an actual copy, click on Generated Documents on the left toolbar, and then Original Version.

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell

PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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