New FRN Status Tool Released
September 19, 2016
~ EPC Log-in Not Required ~
USAC has just released a new tool to help applicants keep track of where their FY 2016 funding requests stand in the application review process. Similar to the previous Data Retrieval Tool (DRT), this new tool allows you to easily download a spreadsheet containing all FRNs for a single Billed Entity (applicant), all FRNs in a state, or all FRNs for a single SPIN. If you don’t know your Billed Entity Number (BEN), the easiest way to search is to download all FRNs in PA, and then simply filter by Billed Entity Name (column F).
The tool can be accessed at: Please note that the data in this tool is only for FY 2016.
The most interesting aspect of this new tool – and what sets it apart from the old DRT – is the granular statuses provided for the 471 and FRNs (columns B and D). Below is a list (in alpha order – not sequential order) of the possible 471 Statuses. It’s more information than the public has ever had before with regard to where individual applications are in the review status. The tool also shows whether a Form 486 has been submitted (column M), and what funds have been disbursed on an FRN (column S). There will be more data points – columns – added in version 2.0 which is slated to be released in late October.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Status | Definition |
15 DayExpired | Thetimeallottedto respond to PIA’s requesthas expired.Theapplicantshouldrespond to PIA’s requestimmediatelyand/orcontactthePIA reviewer. |
15 DayNotice | PIA has postedquestions totheapplicant’sEPCportalthatneed tobeanswered. |
24Hour Notice-IncompleteResponse | An incompleteresponsewas submitted to PIA.Theapplicantmustprovideacompleteresponsewithin24hours.Ifa completeresponseisnotprovided,PIAwill continuethereviewusing theinformation available. |
ApplicantDocumentationReceived | TheapplicantrespondedtoitsPIA questionsand PIAis reviewing thedocumentation. |
Application WaveReady | ReviewoftheFRN hasbeen completed and an FCDL will begenerated inthenextwave. An applicationmaysometimesberemoved fromawaveifadditionalreviewis necessary. |
Assigned to IR | Theapplication has been assigned to initial review.PIA mayhaveadditionalquestions fortheapplicant–if so, theapplicantwill receivean EPC notificationtolog in and respond tothoseinquiries. |
Awaiting Initial Review | Application has notyet been assigned toaPIA Initial Reviewer. |
Certified-OutofWindow | Application was certifiedoutsideoftheFCC Form 471 filing window.Applicationscertifiedoutsideofthefiling windowwill notbeconsidered forfundingunless theapplicantrequestsandreceives awaiverofthefiling windowdeadlinefrom theFCC. |
Escalation to Manager | ThePIAInitial reviewer hasreferred theapplicationto his or her manager. |
Escalation toServices | ThePIAInitial Reviewer has referred theapplication totheeligibleservicesteam for review. |
FCDLissued | A Funding CommitmentDecisionLetter (FCDL)has been issued for theFRN. |
Final Review | Application has gonethrough initial reviewand is nowin final review.The applicationmay proceedto applicationwavereadystatus ormaybereturnedtothePIAreviewer for additional review. |
FirstExtension | A seven day extension ofthePIA deadlinefor respondingtoinquires hasbeen granted automatically. |
IncompleteResponse | An incompleteresponsewas provided to PIA.Theapplicantmustrespond with all information requested byPIA. |
QA Review | Theapplication has been selected forQualityAssurancereview. This reviewverifiestheaccuracy of the reviewer’swork. |
Returned for AdditionalReview | Application was returned from a higher level ofreview(e.g., final review,QAreview)to thePIA initial reviewer for additional work. |
SummerDeferral | Applicanthas indicatedthatheor sheis notavailable torespondtoPIA inquiriesduring thesummer.PIAwill notsend requests for additional informationrequired tocompletereviewoftheapplicationuntil theend of thesummerdeferral period (generallytheFridayafterLaborDay). |
TwoorMoreExtensions-Denied | Applicantmademorethanonerequestfor anextension ofthedeadlinetorespond to PIA inquiries and theadditional requestsweredenied. |
Waiting forHeightenedScrutiny | Oneormoreadditional reviewstepsmustbecompleted beforeUSACcanmakeafunding decision. |
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f