Tips for Entering Enrollment/NSLP Data in EPC
February 13, 2017
~ Deadline is February 26 – which is a SUNDAY ~
The special FY 2017 E-rate Admin Window is now open, and schools have until February 26 – which is a Sunday – to update their school and library profiles, so let’s just say that the real deadline is Friday, February 24. After that, the data will be “locked down” and the Form 471 window will open on February 27. After the Admin Window closes, it will not be possible to update this data in the EPC profiles because that data will be linked to active library and consortia applications.
Entering Enrollment/NSLP (or CEP) Data in EPC
— Update the Enrollment and NSLP data for each school by clicking on the school’s name from your Landing Page.
– If you need to add or remove any entities, create a Customer Service Case in EPC.
— You may also use alternative data (such as surveys, more recent data, etc.), or last year’s data, but regardless of which data you use, you cannot mix funding years. I recommend using the data attached to this message in order to have a painless PIA review.
— If a school is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, “CEP” will be noted in the Free/Reduced Lunch Column (Column I) in which case that school’s EPC Profile should mark YES the Community Eligibility Provision and then enter the CEP% number from Column J in the required field.
— Attached is an updated Guide to Updating EPC Profiles which contains screenshots of the EPC profile pages for both CEP schools and non CEP schools. Use this Guide and you will succeed!
Helpful Hints:
- EPC is giving red error messages for State LEA Codes that are more than 6 digits which is a known issue in EPC that unfortunately won’t be fixed until after the Admin Window closes. However — all of these codes are optional fields so just delete the data and submit.
- When you go back to review the Discount Calculations for your District, you’ll notice the voice discount hasn’t yet been changed to deduct 60% from your C1 discount rate (the system is only deducting 40%).
- To see a complete list of what entities/data is currently in your EPC Portal, download the Entity List at: It will give you a report for the entire state, and then you can filter by your Parent Entity (Column D). The enrollment/NSLP data currently in a school’s EPC profile can be found in Columns BR-BX. Note: The data is updated nightly, so any changes you make today won’t be seen in this database until tomorrow morning.
- Review your schools’ enrollment/NSLP data carefully to ensure that it is accurate and if it is not, contact PDE’s Bureau of Food and Nutrition immediately at 717-783-6558 and let me know as well (each year a handful of schools notice glaring clerical errors that were made when their food service official updated their information in the PDE database).
- This spreadsheet only contains buildings that have students participating in the NSLP program. If your school does not participate in the NSLP, they still must be included in your EPC Portal and have enrollment and NSLP eligibility data entered. If you do not have the NSLP data and cannot obtain it from other sources, you can list 0 and receive the minimum 20% E-rate discount for that school.
- Although there is a template available for uploading your Enrollment/NSLP data, I haven’t been able to get it to work, so I recommend that you enter the data school by school.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at!
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f