FY 2017 Form 471 “Window” Now Open

February 27, 2017

~ Deadline is May 11, 2017 ~

At noon today, the FY 2017 Form 471 Application Window officially opened; it will close at 11:59 p.m. on May 11, 2017.  This is the 471 deadline for ALL applicants – there will not be a separate consortia/library window like last year – for both C1 and C2 funding requests.  The absolute final day to post a Form 470 and still have enough time to submit a Form 471 is April 13, but PLEASE DO NOT WAIT THIS LONG as it will only give you a single day to negotiate a contract, obtain board approval (if required), create the EPC Contract Record, and complete the Form 471.  For public schools, I recommend that you file all 470s at least 40 days before your April board voting meeting.  For nonpublic schools, libraries and other entities that don’t require board approval, I recommend that you have all 470s filed no later than April 1.

We’ve been told there are a few minor changes to this year’s Form 471, and after I’ve nailed those down, I’ll create a Form 471 Guide and schedule webinar trainings.

Reminders Before Starting Form 471:

  1. CONNECTIVITY SURVEY:  Be sure your Connectivity Data Module in EPC is up to date.  If no changes have been made in your Internet bandwidth, building broadband levels or building WIFI connectivity since last year, no updates are required.  If you have experienced changes in one of these areas, don’t forget to update this information in the Connectivity Data Module in EPC prior.  If you do nothing, the data you entered in last year’s Connectivity Data Module will remain and be brought forward to your FY 2017 Form 471.   Remember, this is just a survey and has no direct connection to your Funding Requests.
  2. CONTRACT RECORDS:   If you have signed a new contract for FY 2017, a new Contract Record must be created in EPC prior to starting the Form 471.  If you are submitting an FRN for FY 2017 based on a multi-year contract for which you created a Contract Record in EPC last year, you should NOT create a new Contract Record for FY 2017 – just cite that same contract record that’s in your Contract Module when prompted to do so in the Form 471.
  1. School and library EPC profiles have now been “locked down” and no further changes can be made in EPC.  If you need to make changes to your school or library’ EPC profiles, you must request those changes in the Narrative section of one of your FRNs in the 471.  During the review of your 471, PIA will work with you to process the entity profile update.
  2. Consortia memberships also have been “locked down” HOWEVER, the Client Service Bureau (CSB) does have the ability to assist consortia leaders with updating their consortia membership.  Call them at 888-203-8100 or create a Customer Service Case in EPC prior to starting your Form 471.

I will be sending Connectivity Survey and Contract Module Guides to the listserve in the coming days.

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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