Reminder – Your FY 2016 BEAR(s) Due Feb 26

February 13, 2018

Attached: FY 2016 BEARs Due Feb 2018

~ Please refer to attached list
~ Do NOT File in EPC – Use Old BEAR System ~

~ List of All Entities with Upcoming BEAR Deadlines is Attached ~

This is a friendly reminder that the schools and libraries have one or more FY 2016 BEARs due on February 26 – or soon after for a few entities.  Attached is a list of all FRNs that have no disbursements for FY 2016 and that have approaching invoice deadlines. Don’t forget – BEARs are filed in the legacy system at:, NOT in EPC.

There are several steps you must take before the Form 472 BEAR can be submitted. Please review each step and you will be successful in obtaining your reimbursements.

  1. ARE YOU ON THE LIST?  Look at the list at the bottom of this message. If your school or library is listed, you likely have to file a BEAR for recurring services.  Open the attached spreadsheet for details about which funding requests are affected.
  2. DID YOUR VENDOR SUBMIT THEIR 2016 FORM 473 SPAC?  If Column M (Vendor SPAC Filed?) shows ‘No’, you must contact your vendor prior to submitting the BEAR and tell the vendor they must submit the SPAC ASAP.  This is an annual form that every vendor must submit and without it, no BEARs that list that SPIN will be paid.  Direct the vendor to: for more information.
  3. DID YOU SUBMIT THE FORM 486 FOR THE FRN?  If Column O (Form 486 Filed?) shows ‘No’, be sure to file the 486 at least 24-hours before you submit the BEAR.  If you know your 486 was submitted, contact USAC at 888-203-8100 and make sure it’s still in “review” status.  Some 486s are stuck in the EPC approval process and no invoices can be submitted until they’re approved.
  4. DO YOU HAVE A BEAR PIN?  BEARs (Form 472s) are NOT filed in EPC; they are filed in the legacy system at:  To get into the old system, you must use your E-rate PIN — not your EPC credentials.  If you had an old E-rate PIN but can’t find it, contact CSB at 888-203-8100 and they will e-mail you a new one.  If you don’t have an E-rate PIN, complete the short PIN Request template at: and then upload it into EPC by creating a Customer Service Case.  USAC will then e-mail you a new PIN.  PINs are no longer mailed!
  5. DO YOU HAVE AN APPROVED 498 ON FILE WITH USAC?  The 498 provides USAC with the banking information so that your BEAR reimbursements can be directly deposited into your account.  Before you file the BEAR, you must have an approved Form 498.  Most PA applicants now have approved 498s on file with USAC, so there’s no need to submit this form again.  Once it’s on file, it stays on file until you need to change any of your banking information.   The 498 is not filed annually.  To determine if you have an approved Form 498, log into EPC > Records > Form 498s > Click on 498 if one is showing to see the Status.  If no 498 is showing, then there isn’t one on file with USAC.  Refer to this guide if you need help:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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