Next Step?  Review Your Submitted Data/Make Corrections

March 23, 2018

Attached: 471 Detailed Data – FY 2018 In Window

Congratulations to the 894 PA schools and libraries who submitted their FY 2018 Form 471s before yesterday’s deadline!

Total Demand (PA): $62,868,546.29
Total FRNs:  2757
Total 471s:  1666

What are the next immediate steps?

  1. Discard Unwanted 471s: If you started a Form 471 and didn’t finish it (and don’t intend to finish it), I recommend that you discard the form so the EPC system doesn’t continue to send you annoying reminders.  To do this, go to:  EPC Landing Page > My Tasks > Name of Form > Discard Form (bottom left of form).
  2. Review Your Submitted Data:  Attached is an Excel filing containing 6 tabs – each one containing various elements of your submitted Form 471.  Please open the file, filter by your entity’s name on each tab, and make sure that your data is accurate.  If you need to make any corrections to the data you may do so by using the RAL Modification Process up until the date you receive your Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL), however I strongly encourage you submit your RAL Modifications as soon as you know of a change that must be made so the PIA reviewer can have it in-hand during their review. The RAL Correction Process is done entirely online and replaces the old Receipt Acknowledgement Letters (RALs) that USAC mailed after a 471 was submitted on which you could make changes and fax back.

If you want to add an FRN or increase funding, you also may request this change, but you will be asked to show documentation dated prior to the window deadline to substantiate the request.  With PIA reviews happening so quickly this year, it’s very important that any corrections/changes be made ASAP.

The RAL Modification Process also should be used if you wish to cancel an FRN or an entire Form 471.

Finding the RAL Modification Feature in EPC

Follow these steps from your EPC Landing Page:

> Scroll to bottom

> FCC Forms and Post Commitment Requests

> Form 471 > FY 2018

> Click on Relevant 471 Number

> Related Actions (from top Toolbar)

> Submit Modification Request (RAL)

> Then answer the appropriate questions in the RAL Modification Module

For detailed instructions on completing the RAL Modification Process, see:

Next step?  Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) reviews.  Details coming soon…

Congratulations, E-raters!  I’m so proud of you!

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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