Please Sign the Online PEPPM Letter of Agency by June 15!
May 8, 2018
The FCC’s 2014 E-rate Modernization Order included a new provision requiring all consortia leads to obtain a signed LOA (Letter of Agency) from their participating members before the Form 470 is posted. The current PA PEPPM Contract is being rebid starting in July 2018, so we need all entities that may wish to use the PEPPM contract for E-rate purchases in the next 3 years to complete an online PEPPM LOA to be included in the initial procurement. If an entity does not complete the PEPPM LOA by the deadline, they will not be permitted to conduct a PEPPM mini-bid and cite the PEPPM contract on a future Form 471.
By signing this LOA, you are not obligating yourself whatsoever to purchase from the PEPPM contract. You are merely stating that you are allowing the PEPPM administrators to include you as an eligible entity on the Form 470. However, if you do not sign the PEPPM LOA, you will NOT be able to use the PEPPM contract for E-rate eligible purchases. Therefore, I encourage all PA public schools to sign the LOA to give yourself as many bidding options as possible should you choose to use the E-rate Category 2 funding in the future.
Although nonpublic schools and libraries typically do not use the PEPPM contract for their E-rate purchases because they don’t have state law bidding restrictions, they are welcome to complete the online PEPPM LOA to given themselves the option to conduct a PEPPM mini-bid in the future.
The online LOA is very simple to complete and should take about 15 seconds. You do not need to print, sign and mail the LOA — the online submission is sufficient.
Again, there is no harm or obligation that will come from signing this LOA; it simply allows you the possibility of citing the PEPPM contract on an a future E-rate funding request.
Don’t forget – June 15, 2018 is the deadline to complete the LOA, so please do it today!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f