FCC Approves FY 2019 Eligible Services List

December 4, 2018

The FCC recently adopted the final Eligible Services List for FY 2019 in which they declined to make any major changes.  They did, however, provide the following clarifications, some of which are quite helpful.   Due to the mandatory span of time between the adoption of the ESL and the Form 471 window, we know that the FY 2019 Form 471 application window will not open before January 15, 2019.  As soon as the exact window opening and closing dates are known, I’ll let you know.

Category 1:

  1. Clarified that Category 1 network equipment necessary to make broadband service “functional” is eligible even if leased or rented from the service provider.
  2. Clarified that Category 1 network equipment applies to all Category 1 services, not just fiber.
  3. Reaffirmed that “redundant” Category 1 services are not eligible.
  4. Removed voice services from the ESL due to the phase out.

Category 2:

  1. Clarified that Category 2 equipment can be leased or rented from vendors, in addition to being purchased.  (Julie note:  In other words, leased or rented equipment does not have to be requested under the MIBS category.)
  2. Revised Form 470 to include “Cabling” as an independent item in the Internal Connections category to match the 471.
  3. Reaffirmed that software upgrades and patches, including bug fixes and security patches, are considered Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections and must be sought as BMIC on both the Form 470 and 471.  (Julie note:  Remember that bug fixes, software upgrades and security patches are 100% eligible, but next day replacement support services/contracts are NOT E-rate eligible.) 
  4. Clarified that applicants may request both equipment and related licenses/operating system software on the Form 470, or request just the equipment on the Form 470, and still request funding on the Form 471 for both the equipment and related licenses/operating system software.

The entire FY 2019 Eligible Services List can be found at:  https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-18-1173A1.pdf.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f

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