How to Modify/Cancel FY 2019 Submitted Applications

March 4, 2019

Attached: RAL Modification (471 Corrections) Guide 2019

~ Called RAL Modification Request ~
~ Helpful Guide Attached ~

Several applicants have filed Form 471s for FY 2019 and would like to make changes to those applications, cancel individual FRNs or cancel the 471 entirely.  These requests are submitted using the “RAL Modification Process.”  RAL modifications can be made anytime between the time a Form 471 is submitted – and the day the FCDL issued (not after).  I strongly encourage you submit your RAL Corrections as soon as you know of a change that must be made so the PIA reviewer can have it in-hand during their review.  If you made a mistake on your application, USAC no longer permits applicants to correct mistakes using the appeal process; all changes must be made PRE-COMMITMENT, using the RAL Modification Process.  Applicants may submit RAL Modifications after the Form 471 window closes, but with so many applications going straight to “Wave Ready” status, it’s important that your RAL request is considered before USAC begins issuing funding commitment waves in mid April.

*Note:  If you want to make a change to an FRN, and the Form 471 deadline (March 27) has not yet passed, it may be easier to create a new, correct 471 for that FRN, and then cancel the inaccurate FRN using the RAL Modification Process.*

This message explains where to find the RAL Modification Process in EPC and then how to make different changes using the online form.  The RAL Modification Guide (471 Corrections) is attached.

Finding the RAL Correction Feature in EPC

Follow these steps from your EPC Landing Page:

> Scroll to bottom of EPC Landing Page to find FCC Forms and Post-Commitment Requests

> Form Type > Form 471

> Funding Year > 2019

> Click on Relevant 471 Number

> Select ‘Related Actions’ (from top Toolbar)

> Submit Modification Request (RAL)

> Then answer the appropriate questions in the RAL Modification Module

Options Available for RAL Corrections/Changes
When you enter the RAL Correction module, you will be asked if you want to make changes to the “Application” or to the “Entity.”  Entity changes will relate just to your organization and your schools’ and libraries’ including their addresses, enrollment/NSLP data, etc.   Most applicants will choose “Application” as this relates to all of the funding requests in your application.  Depending on which you choose, there will be sub-topics that also must be selected.  Listed below are the major options:

— APPLICATION — *Most RAL Changes Will Use This Option*

> Application Details:  If you click the Application button and then choose Application Details from the sub-category dropdown, click the Continue button. You can either cancel your application, or you can modify the application nickname, the contact person, and the holiday contact information.

> Funding Request Details:  If you click the Application button and then choose Funding Request Details, you will see a list of the funding request numbers (FRNs) on this form.

  • To Create a new FRN and add its key information, click the Add FRN button.  (Only use this option after March 22 when it’s too late to submit any new Form 471s.)
  • To Modify an Existing FRN, check the box to the left of the FRN:
    • View Line Items allows you to view the line items for that FRN. If you check the box next to a line item, you can edit the line item or manage the recipients of service.
    • Edit Funding Request allows you to Cancel the FRN or edit the FRN Key Information.
    • Edit Purchase Agreement allows you to make certain changes to the information you originally entered regarding services provided under contract or on a tariffed or month-to-month basis. Note that if you chose contracted services and now want to associate a different contract record with your FRN, you must first create that new contract record in your profile so that it will appear in your search results.


> BEN:  If you click the Entity button and then click BEN, check the box to the left of the BEN and choose one of the following:

  • Add Related Entity pulls up a list of the entities associated with the BEN. You can add any of the entities on the list to your Form 471. (See below for how to associate a school to your school district or a library branch to your library system.)
  • Edit allows you to edit the information that appears in the organization’s profile. Remember that the profile itself is not updated by any modifications you make here.

> Related Entities:  If you click the Entity button and then click Related Entities, you are presented with the current list of entities associated with the BEN on this form. To modify information for an entity, check the box to the left of the entity’s name.

  • Clicking Remove will remove the selected entity from the application.
  • Clicking Edit allows you to edit the same information that appears in the entity’s profile. Remember that the profile itself is not updated by any modifications you make here.


If the modification you want to request is not included in the available options, simply create a separate document that describes your modification request in detail, then upload into a RAL Modification.  To upload, select Application, choose Application Details from the sub-category dropdown and click Continue, then use the Upload File function in the Supporting Documentation section of the Application Details page to upload your document.  You should use this upload feature if the Client Service Bureau (CSB) has created an entity for your during the time your profile has been locked, but the entity could not be associated with your organization. You can also indicate which FRN line items should feature this entity as a recipient of service.


After you’ve completed data entry for all of the modifications you would like to submit in this request, review the Requested Changestable one last time to make sure all of your modifications are correct. You can always remove a requested modification by checking the box to the left of the modification and clicking the ‘Remove’ button.  To submit your request, click the Finish & Submit Requestbutton at the bottom of the screen.

You can review your submitted RAL Corrections by clicking the Reports tab at the top of your EPC Landing Page, and choosing My Submitted Modification Requests (RAL).

If you have any questions about RAL Corrections, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f

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