Bulk Upload Tool Guide for Internal Connections FRNs
February 10, 2020
Attached: Bulk Upload Guide – Internal Connections – FY 2020
Attached: C2 IC Bulk Upload Template
Attached: IC Bulk Upload Template COMPLETED EXAMPLE
~ Great Time Saver ~
~ Helpful (Essential) Guide Attached ~
When applying for E-rate funding for Internal Connections, the Form 471 requires every component to be listed on its own FRN Line Item, followed by a detailed listing of which entities will be using the equipment and how much funding should be allocated from their respective Category 2 budgets to pay for the equipment. Creating these FRNs can be time consuming, as many of you have discovered over the last four years. To help alleviate this burden, USAC has created off-line Templates that can be completed and then uploaded into the Funding Request instead of manually creating/adding FRN Line Items. While Templates are available for all C1 and C2 service types, the Internal Connections Template is the one I believe will save PA applicants the most time and will be most-used. The Internal Connections template has not been changed for FY 2020, and the correct version to use is V19.0 (attached). All of the bulk upload templates are available at: https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/applying-for-discounts/fcc-form-471-filing/.
Bulk Upload/Template Guide
To assist applicants with completing the Internal Connections Template and Bulk Upload process, I’ve created the attached Guide which I strongly encourage you follow as you complete your first Template. Also attached is a completed Example Template so you can see what yours should look like.
What Are the Basic Steps for Using the IC Bulk Upload Process?
Applicants will create the off-line Template, validate for errors, then save to their hard drive when no errors are showing. Then they will create the Form 471 and funding request in EPC. At the FRN Line Item screen, click “Bulk Upload” instead of Add FRN Line Item, and upload the Template. EPC will then create a task within 1 minute with the Bulk Upload results. Applicants should review all of the FRN Line Item data that was imported to ensure accuracy. All data can be revised at this point, or applicants can delete the FRN Line Item information, and upload a revised Template if they so choose.
Advantages to the Using IC Bulk Upload Template?
- Allows you to doublecheck your calculations
- Copy/paste from another spreadsheet
- Assists with keeping track of school building C2 pre-discount budgets
- Saves time
- Can create the template after bids have been opened but before the contract is signed
Challenges to Using the IC Bulk Upload Template?
- Template contains sensitive macros that restricts choices
- Must be sure to “validate” for errors prior to uploading
- HINT: When making a modification to a line, the Column A “reference number” will reset. But it’s easy to fix. Simply highlight the column, right click, then “Clear Contents” and the numbers will return to normal.
What Information is Required on the Template?
The Template has 3 tabs – Equipment/Pricing Tab, Recipients of Service Tab and List of Errors Tab. The first two tabs must be completed with basically all of the same FRN Line Item Data that would be required on the Form 471 itself, and the third tab shows what errors have been found in the data. Here is a list of what will be required:
- Category (Wireless data distribution, data protection, cabling, etc.)
- Manufacturer
- Model #
- Unit price (eligible and ineligible)
- Quantity
- Recipients of Service
- Amount per Model # (component) per Recipient of Service
The Bulk Upload process is very simple if your Template has been completed accurately. Follow the attached Guide and you shouldn’t have any problems completing and validating the Template. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Happy Templating!
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o