Registration Required for ECF Funding

May 11, 2021

Attached: PA Schools-Libraries Registered in as of April 28 2021

Attached: Registration Guide

~ Guide attached ~

Schools and libraries that intend to participate in the ECF funding are required to be registered in the federal system.  SAM is a web-based, government-wide application that collects, validates, stores, and disseminates business information about the federal government’s partners in support of federal awards, grants, and electronic payment processes.

Many schools and libraries already have SAM registrations, and I have attached a list of every school, IU, library in PA that I could locate in their database using the words ‘school, library or intermediate.’  If your school or library is not listed in my spreadsheet, please search the database to be sure your organization isn’t already registered.  Instructions for searching the database can be found in the attached guide.

If your entity is not found in the database, then proceed with creating your organization’s registration.  The registration process requires a 3-phase process as follows:

Phase 1:  Establish a username and password with  This is a required step to set up a User Account on  The username/password is for a specific person, not for the organization.

Phase 2:  Create a User Account for  This User Account is for a specific person, not for the organization.

Phase 3:  Create the organization’s registration.

Instructions for completing each phase are contained in the attached guide.  I estimate the entire process will take <15 minutes if you have your organization’s DUNS number, banking data, and tax ID number (TIN) available.  If you don’t know your DUNS number, you can look it up here:  If you don’t have a DUNS number, you can obtain one free of charge at:

Two important notes:

  1. The website indicates they will be migrating to a new interface beginning this Friday at 4:00.  I don’t know if this means the screenshots and links in the attached guide may change, but you may wish to register now to make things easy.
  2. If your organization’s registration is expiring between April 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021, will be adding additional 180 days to the expiration date due to the COVID emergency.

This information will be posted under the COVID-19 tab and Helpful Documents tab of

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o

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