Fall PA E-rate Training Workshops Scheduled
October 9, 2023
~ Register Now! ~
On behalf of the PA Department of Education, I’m pleased to announce this fall’s E-rate trainings for both returning (veteran) and beginner applicants as we pivot to applying for E-rate Funding Year 2024. Beginners’ trainings will be conducted both in-person and virtually and as always, archives of the PP presentations will be available at https://e-ratepa.org/?page_id=745 for later viewing. Please note: The PA trainings are for school and library officials only (no vendors), but the USAC trainings are for both applicants and service providers.
Veteran Applicants – Kicking Off FY 2024!
There will be a 90-minute workshop for PA applicants who are already familiar with E-rate (our “veterans”) to kick off the new filing season. Please join me to learn what’s new for Funding Year 2024 and make sure you’re prepared to file.
Location: Virtual
Day/Time: Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 p.m.
Register Here: https://cciu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcldeqrpjwjHNZbjfFjJl2kFq4cWS_kjIWp
Beginner Applicants – Let’s Learn E-rate!
There will be 4 beginners’ training workshops – 2 in-person and 2 virtual (one for schools and one for libraries). In-person trainings will be approx. 4 hours, and virtual trainings are scheduled for approx. 2 hours. The only two prerequisites to attending beginners’ training are: 1) you be a true beginner, and 2) you become set up as a “User” in your school or library’s EPC account prior to training and have successfully logged into EPC. (Only your school or library’s EPC Account Administrator (AA) can create a new User. If you’re unsure who is your EPC AA or if they need assistance in creating a new User, contact USAC at 888-203-8100 for help with that process.) Please register below:
Training | Location | Date | Time | Registration Link |
In-person – East (@ IU 15) | 55 Miller St, Summerdale, PA 17093 | Friday, October 20 | 9 am – 1 pm (registration begins at 8:30 am) | Click Here |
In-person – West (@ IU 7) | 102 Equity Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601 | Friday, November 3 | 9 am– 1 pm (registration begins at 8:30am) | Click Here |
Libraries | Virtual | Wednesday, November 8 | 10 am – noon | Click Here |
Public & Non-Public Schools | Virtual | Thursday, November 9 | 1:00 – 3:00 pm | Click Here |
If you have any questions about the trainings, please let me know. I look forward to seeing new and old E-rate faces in the next few weeks!
USAC Training: USAC has announced their fall training series for applicants and service providers that wish to learn more about the program and how to participate. The training sessions will be virtual, and registration/copies of previous presentations are now available on the Webinars page. The sessions are for E-Rate program participants at all levels.
– Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o