FY 2025 Rebidding Status for Category 1 FRNs

October 14, 2024

Attached: FY-2025-C1-Bidding-Status-1.xlsx

It’s time to begin planning for FY 2025 which is for services that will be provided from July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.  At this stage, the most important thing you can do is determine whether your Category 1 contracts (data transmission services and Internet access) require rebidding, and if so, assess your future bandwidth needs and begin the bidding process.

How do you know when your existing contracts expire?  Of course, the most definitive source is the vendor contract itself.  But assuming you entered the contract expiration date and contract extension options in your Contract Records accurately, I’ve created the attached list of all FY 2024 funded and pending Category 1 FRNs, and the expiration dates of those contracts.  In the spreadsheet there’s also a column – “Julie’s Rebidding Status Notes” – that explains whether I think the service must be rebid for FY 2025.  My data is derived from the information you entered into the FY 2024 Form 471, and my conclusions are drawn from the date you list as the contract expiration date, and whether you indicated that your original contract contained optional contract extensions so that rebidding isn’t necessary.  The data available to me, unfortunately, doesn’t make clear whether you still have extensions remaining to be used for FY 2025.  Also, if you have a C1 contract and your entity’s name doesn’t appear on the list, it likely means your entity did not file a Form 471 in FY 2024. 

Please refer to Column O of the attached spreadsheet (Julie’s Rebidding Status Notes); the data is color-coded as follows:

Red:  Must rebid services either due to end of contract or using MTM (unless using CABIO).

Blue:  May need to rebid, depending on whether contract extension is available and if you want to utilize.

Black:  Service under contract and no rebid is required.

Based on the status, you can determine the need to file a Form 470 to competitively bid for services. 

As a reminder, a Form 470 must be filed: 

  1. If a service is covered on a Month-to-Month basis (meaning no contract exists – these are mostly cable modem-type services) AND your services do not qualify for the CABIO bidding exemption;
  2. At the beginning of any new contract.  Note:  If you posted a Form 470 in a previous year, and then signed a multi-year contract that expires on or after June 30, 2026, you are not required to file a Form 470 for FY 2025. 
  3. If you’re upgrading service and the upgrades and associated prices are not included in the original contract.

Important Reminder on Voluntary Extensions:

If your current contract includes voluntary extensions, and you want to exercise one of those extensions, first check to be sure that the extensions are finite and not open-ended (meaning the extensions are written for the exact number of years).  If they are written as “automatically renew,” they likely aren’t eligible to be used unless you post a new 470.  If they are finite, you are not required to post a new Form 470 to use one of the extensions, but you must have written documentation to the vendor notifying them that you are electing to extend your contract, pursuant to one of the extension terms in your original contract. 

If you have any questions about the data in this message, please let me know.  We will send competitive bidding/Form 470 information in a subsequent message.

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o

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