Update Enrollment/NSLP/CEP Data by Thursday, January 9

January 6, 2025

Attached: Draft-NSLP-CEP-Enrollment-Data-Oct-2024-CORRECTED-1.xls

On Thursday, January 9, the E-rate Admin Window for FY 2025 will close.  This means that Thursday is the deadline to update the EPC profiles of each school to provide the updated enrollment and NSLP (or CEP%) data in order to recalculate your district’s E-rate discount for FY 2025.  Thursday is also the deadline to update Category 2 enrollment or library square footage data and request a C2 Budget Replacement if any increases were made since receiving C2 funding during the current C2 budget cycle. 

Please see https://e-ratepa.org/?p=35803 for a guide and detailed information on updating discount data and providing updated (increased) district enrollment or library square footage data for FY 2025. 

Several important notes: 

  1. What Data to Use:  The draft PDE Enrollment, NSLP (or CEP%) Data File is attached.  I realize there were many schools not listed in this data because their schools had not submitted their October claim forms as of early December.  If PDE provides me with an updated draft file prior to January 9, I will immediately share it with the listserve.  If not, be sure to request the data from your Food Service Director for your October 2024 NSLP claim form and use that data in your EPC profile updates.
  2. Update for schools with a CEP% below 40%:  USAC has added functionality in EPC to allow CEP % to be entered below 40%; therefore, you should not average your CEP% and enter the same CEP% for all schools has been eliminated.  If you have already used the average for all of your schools, please revise your data with accurate CEP% by Thursday.
  3. Combined School PDE Data:  If your PDE data is lumped together for 2 schools but broken out in EPC, you should obtain the breakdown from your food service director and enter it by school building in EPC.
  4. CEP LEAs with CEP Base Year 2021:  There are 15 LEAs that have 2021 as their CEP base year.  Please note that ‘2021’ is listed as your LEA’s CEP base year in the EPC portal, PIA will require you to provide evidence that your district intends to opt into CEP for the 2025 school year.  Be sure to have your Food Service Director update your LEA’s CEP participation for next year as soon as possible. 
  5. Schools that Do Not Participate in NSLP:  If your school does not participate in the NSLP, the school still must be included in your EPC Portal and have enrollment and NSLP eligibility data entered.  If you do not have the NSLP data and cannot obtain student family income levels from other sources, you can list 0 and receive the minimum 20% E-rate discount for that school.
  6. Review Schools and Libraries in EPC Portal:  Review the entities in your EPC Portal and contact USAC at 888-203-8100 to have any new entities added, such as new schools, libraries, non-instructional facilities (NIFs), etc.  If school or library addresses have changed, you can make those modifications yourself in that school or library’s EPC page by January 9.
  7. Where Should You Update EPC Profiles?  You must access each school’s EPC Profile page to update this information.  There are two places to find a list of schools in EPC:  1) On the Landing Page (5 per page), or 2) on the Discount Rate Page (10 per page).  Personally, I recommend that you use the Discount Rate Page so you can then easily ensure that your totals are accurate, and determine the discount for FY 2025.  If you reference the “Guide to Entering Enrollment-NSLP in EPC” you will see screenshots of the EPC profile pages for both CEP schools and non-CEP schools.  The Guide also explains where to enter Category 2 Budget updates, and how to request a C2 Replacement Budget.  Use this Guide and you will succeed!
  8. Don’t forget:  Your EPC profiles must contain ALL of the buildings that are receiving E-rate discounted services, including your non-instructional facilities (NIFs), such as bus barns, administration buildings, etc.  If you have not yet added those NIF buildings into your EPC Portal, call USAC at 888-203-8100 and have them added. 

If you have any questions about your NSLP or CEP information, contact Jennifer Jarrett in the PDE Bureau of Food and Nutrition at 800.331.0129 (option 4) or jejarrett@pa.gov.  If you have questions about E-rate or entering this data in EPC, please e-mail me at jtschell@comcast.net.

Happy updating!

— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o

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