Cyber Pilot – More Details, Next Steps

January 27, 2025

~ Intro webinar tomorrow ~

Congratulations to the 54 PA schools and libraries that have been selected to participate in the FCC’s new $200 million Cybersecurity Pilot Program (CPP).  This message provides a more granular analysis of PA’s selectees and awarded funding, and provides next steps for those that were selected.  From this point forward, it’s my intention to communicate directly with selectees and not through the E-rate listserve; however, if you were not selected and wish to be included in the CPP messages moving forward, please e-mail me directly.

Selected Participants and Funding Details

Due to the highly sensitive information being submitted, the FCC did not provide a list of which schools and libraries applied, but based on information that schools and libraries shared with me and the PA entities selected to participate, I believe that more than 107 PA schools and libraries entities submitted initial applications.  The FCC’s grant guidelines stated that they would prioritize the most economically disadvantaged schools, and with only $200 million available nationwide, I believe most applicants below the 80% discount did not apply, understandably.  All PA schools and libraries selected have an E-rate discount of 90%. 

In PA, 31 school districts, 13 charters, 1 CTC, 4 nonpublic schools, 4 libraries and 1 library system were selected.   The FCC’s announcement did not provide the amount of funding that was awarded to each participant, but we know that the FCC awarded up to each applicant’s available cap (except for 2 schools that will receive approx. 78% of their budget cap), disregarding what amount of funding applicants requested on their application.  Knowing the funding formula and the school enrollment or library size, I was able to closely estimate the amount of pre-discount funds each selectee will be eligible to receive, and I’ve included those amounts below.  In all, approximately $8.8 million was awarded to PA schools and libraries, of which they will receive 90%.  Should applicants drop out of the program, the FCC will work to fully fund the participants that only received partial budgets, and if funds remain, they will select other applicants to join the Pilot.

Nationwide, just over 80% of selected participants indicated they have experience implementing cybersecurity protections, with approximately 23% indicating experience of three years or less, and approximately 53% indicating experience of more than five years. Nearly 40% of Pilot participants indicated they have faced a cybersecurity threat or attack within the past year.

USAC Webinars Scheduled for Selected Participants

  • Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28, USAC will host a Pilot Program overview at 3 p.m. E.T.  In this session, they will outline program processes, review the program timeline, and share program resources.  Selectees should have received a separate e-mail with registration information.   
  • On Tuesday, February 4, USAC will host a second webinar at 3 p.m. E.T. to walk participants through the competitive bidding process and highlight key features of the Pilot FCC Form 470.
  • On Friday, February 14, USAC will host a third webinar at 3:00 p.m. E.T. to provide information related to the For 484 Part 2.
  • Registration for these webinars:

Next Steps/Key Dates

  • Form 484 Part 2:  Selected participants will next complete the Form 484 Part 2 to provide additional information related to their cybersecurity collect more detailed cybersecurity data and Pilot project information.  This is a required form and may be submitted now, but must be completed by September 15, 2025.  CPP Form 484 Part 2 User Guide:  Pilot-FCC-Form-484-Part-2_User-Guide.pdf.
  • CPP Form 470:  Similar to E-rate, all equipment and services that will be requested on the CPP Form 471 must have been competitively bid.  A new form – the CPP Form 470 – is available and can be filed now in the CPP portal.   CPP Form 470 User Guide:  Pilot-FCC-Form-470_User-Guide.pdf.
    • Note:  I am working with USAC and the FCC to determine if the PA PEPPM contract qualifies as a CPP-qualified State Master Contract.  I will provide information on these efforts in the coming weeks.
  • CPP Form 471:  The CPP Form 471 application window opens March 18, 2025 and closes September 15, 2025. 
  • CPP Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs): Given the extended duration of the Pilot Form 471 application filing window, the FCC has directed USAC to begin reviewing applications and issuing FCDLs for Pilot participants who have completed all requirements, including Part 2 of Form 484, prior to the close of the Pilot Form 471 application filing window.
  • CPP Service Delivery Start Date – The earliest that equipment/services can be received is March 18, 2025. 
  • CPP Service Delivery Deadline Date – The last date that CPP-approved equipment and services can be received is 3 years after the date on the initial CPP FCDL. 
  • Applicants have until July 1, 2025 to withdraw as a selected participant without penalty.  If you were selected but no longer wish to participate, please consider notifying the FCC of this decision as soon as possible so your funding can be allocated to other participants.

PA Cyber Pilot Selected Participants/Estimated Awarded Budgets

School/Library/Consortia NameEstimated CPP Pre-Discount BudgetDiscountEstimated CPP Post-Discount AmountEntity Type
Al Aqsa Islamic Academy$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Non Public
Aliquippa SD$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
ALLENTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT$984,096.0090%$885,686.40District
Alliance For Progress Charter School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Bradford Area School District$104,652.0090%$94,186.80District
Bristol Twp School District$251,205.6090%$226,085.04District
Cambria County Library$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Library
Catasauqua SD$61,689.6090%$55,520.64District
City Charter High Schol$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Columbia Borough School District$56,793.6090%$51,114.24District
Community Academy of Philadelphia$50,714.4090%$45,642.96Charter
Dauphin County Library System$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Library
Derry Area School District$74,215.2090%$66,793.68District
Duquesne City School District$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
Ellwood City Area School District$66,504.0090%$59,853.60District
Esperanza Cyber Charter School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Executive Education Academy CS$58,384.8090%$52,546.32Charter
Free Library of Philadelphia$525,000.0090%$472,500.00Library
Freire Charter School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Hazleton Area School District$511,060.8090%$459,954.72District
HIGHLANDS SCHOOL DISTRICT$99,674.4090%$89,706.96District
HOMER CENTER SCHOOL DISTRICT*$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
Kane Area School District$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
Lehighton Area School District$93,309.6090%$83,978.64District
Maritime Academy CS$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Mastery Charter High School$590,090.4090%$531,081.36Charter
MONESSEN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
New Castle Public Library$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Library
Oil City Area School District$75,765.6090%$68,189.04District
Penn Hills SD$142,636.8090%$128,373.12District
Perseus House Charter School of Excellence*$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Philadelphia Electrical & Technology Charter High$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Philadelphia Hebrew Public Charter School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Pittsburgh School District$931,015.2090%$837,913.68District
POTTSTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT$115,545.6090%$103,991.04District
Propel Schools$158,344.8090%$142,510.32Charter
Purchase Line School District$45,000.0090%$40,500.00District
Reading Muhlenberg CTC$45,000.0090%$40,500.00CTC
Reading School District$713,796.0090%$642,416.40District
River Valley School District$50,102.4090%$45,092.16District
Shamokin Area School District$80,580.0090%$72,522.00District
SOUTH ALLEGHENY SCHOOL DIST$59,445.6090%$53,501.04District
St. Francis de SaLES$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Non Public
St. Monica School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Non Public
Titusville Area School District$80,090.4090%$72,081.36District
Uniontown Area School District$110,690.4090%$99,621.36District
Upper Darby School District$505,552.8090%$454,997.52District
Visitation BVM School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Non Public
West Mifflin Area School District$111,751.2090%$100,576.08District
West Philadelphia Achievement Charter Elementary School$45,000.0090%$40,500.00Charter
Westmoreland County Federated Library System$525,000.0090%$472,500.00Library System
Wilkes-Barre Area School District$291,638.4090%$262,474.56District
Williamsport Area School District$192,780.0090%$173,502.00District
Woodland Hills School District$141,208.8090%$127,087.92District

*Will receive a partial budget, which is expected to be approx.78% of this amount. All other participants were awarded a full budget.


USAC Cyber Pilot Resouces:

FCC Cyber Pilot Resources:

CPP Eligible Services List:

PA Cyber Pilot Resources:

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o    

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