E-rate Form 471 Webinar Training Scheduled
February 9, 2015
On Thursday, February 19, I will be conducting a webinar training on the new Online Form 471 and Discount Calculation Template. The webinar will begin at 10:30 a.m. and should last until noon. Pre-registration is not required. I will first demonstrate how to create a Block 4 Discount Calculation Template using the PDE NSLP file, then we will create an Online Form 471 for Category 1 services, and then create a Form 471 for Category 2 equipment/services. For applicants that are only applying for Category 1 services, you can drop off the webinar before the Category 2 demo begins.
If you haven’t yet been in the Form 471 Training Site, I strongly encourage you to play around with the site before next Thursday: https://sltools-training.universalservice.org/portal-applicant/form471/new/#. You can use your actual BEN and data (you don’t have to use dummy data). The templates are available at: https://e-ratepa.org/?p=6261.
Webinar Location: http://vclass.cciu.org/
Date: Thursday, February 19
Time: 10:30 – noon
Registration: No pre-registration required.
Hope to see you there!
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f