FY 2015 Form 486s Due and Overdue for Funded Applicants

March 7, 2016

~ List of Affected Entities Attached ~
~ File Form Using ‘Apply Online’ – not in EPC Portal ~

This is a reminder that the FY 2015 Form 486 is due and overdue for many PA schools and libraries.  The 486 certifies receipt of services/CIPA compliance, and is due within 120 days of the funding commitment letter date or the start of services (whichever is later).  If you don’t file the 486, USAC deducts 1 day of funding for each day the form is late.  Attached is a list of entities that have been funded for FY 2015 but who haven’t yet filed their Form 486, along with all of the relevant FRN information needed to file the form.  If your Form 486 due date is in red, you must file this form ASAP in order to not lose any more E-rate funding.

A few important notes:

* If you have not yet received your FCDL, you cannot submit a 486 for those FRNs still pending SLD decision. When those applications are funded, those applicants will then have 120 days from the date of the FCDL to submit their 486.

* If the FRN is for internal connections, you the Form 486 due date is 120 days of the date you list on the Form 486 as the Service Start Date (SSD cannot be before 7/1/2015).

* If you want discounted bills, you must file your Form 486 right away so the service provide can invoice USAC.

* File online using the 486 available in the “Apply Online” section of the SLD website at www.sl.universalservice.org. If you have a PIN, you can certify that form online and do not have to mail-in the signature/certification page. If you don’t have a PIN, you can still submit your form online, but you must mail in the certification/signature page, and it must be postmarked by the dates listed below (hitting submit doesn’t constitute a submitted form and doesn’t get you off these lists).  You cannot file the FY 2015 Form 486 in the EPC Portal.

* You may include ALL of your funding requests on the same form – including both Category 1 and Category 2.  There is no need to file a separate 486s for each FRN.

* If you’re unsure how to file the Form 486 or which boxes to check, please refer to the Form 486 sample pages attached to this message.

* If you have an FRN that you no longer need, please file a Form 500 to release the funds (and get off of future lists!).  The easiest type-in version is at:  http://www.e-ratecentral.com/formsRack/app/Form500.asp.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at jtschell@comcast.net!

– Julie


Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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