Tips for Filing the FY 2014 Form 486

May 16, 2014

~ Example 486 pages with guide comments attached ~
FRN data needed to complete 486 attached ~

For the 510 applicants funded in Wave 1 the next step is to file the Form 486, available under the “Apply Online” section of the SLD’s website at Use the “Create Form 486″ version. Please keep in mind that only FRNs that have been funded can be listed on a Form 486. If you are requesting discounted bills from your service provider, you MUST submit the Form 486 before discounted billing can begin. All of the information you need to complete the Form 486 is available on your Funding Commitment Decision Letter or your FY 2014 Form 471. You’ll need: Your Entity Number, FRN #s, and SPIN #s. All funding requests, even if listed on separate Form 471s, can be included on the same Form 486 (just keep adding rows on Block 3).
Below are tips to help you complete the form. Attached are two valuable sources of information — 1) pertinent pages from the Form 486 with helpful comments inserted about which boxes you need to check and which ones to skip, and 2) the exact FRN and SPIN data all Wave 1 awardees need to complete the Form 486.

Form 486′s 3 Functions:

a) It informs the SLD that they are authorized to pay invoices (either BEAR or SPIFs);
b) It informs the SLD that your technology plan has been approved and tells them the name of the SLD-certified approver (for Priority 2 applicants only); and
c) It informs the SLD that your school or library is CIPA compliant.

Deadline to Submit Form: 120 days from funding commitment decision letter date, or October 28, 2014, whichever is later.

Two Important Notes:
1) If this Form 486 only includes funding requests for Priority 1 funding (only P1 is being funded at this time), you are not required to certify that you have an approved technology plan and should select ‘Other’ in the tech plan approver drop down box, then type ‘NONE’ in the text box when it appears.

2) Be absolutely certain that your school’s Internet Safety Policy has been updated by your board to reflect the newly required CIPA language before you file the Form 486 for FY 2014.

Specific Tips for Completing the Form 486 (also see attached example):

* Be sure to print the Form 486 number and security code when it appears on your screen. You will need these numbers to access and print a copy of your submitted form.

* Check Item 6A if you file the 486 before July 31, 2014. If you file the 486 on or after July 31, then you can ignore this box.

* Skip Item 6B if you’re CIPA compliant.

* Item 7, Column F: Service Start Date should generally list 07/01/2014.

* Item 11A: If you are a single school, district or library (not a consortium), and you are CIPA compliant, you should only check 11A on that page (skip the rest). Items 11 D, E, F, & G are for consortium applicants only.

* To print a copy of your submitted Form 486, go back to the “apply online” area, and click on “display.” You’ll need your 486 number and security code to access your submitted Form.

If you have any questions as you are completing this form, please contact me at

– Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f

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