RAL Correction Process Available in EPC

April 4, 2016

USAC has quietly launched the new online RAL Correction Process in the EPC Portal.  RAL stands for Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) and was previously mailed to each applicant after a 471 was filed, giving you the opportunity to make edits to your submitted application.   Beginning with FY 2016, the RAL Correction Process (as with all USAC correspondence) has gone paperless and is embedded in the EPC Portal.  I must say, it’s a very slick system.  Here’s how to use it:

To View/Print a Certified (Final) Form 471:
EPC Landing Page > FCC Forms (bottom of page) > FY 2016 Form 471 Certified.  Click on the blue Form 471 number for the application you’d like to view and the system will take you to a summary page — scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Original Version’ to open a PDF of your submitted Form 471.

To Make RAL Corrections:
EPC Landing Page > FCC Forms (bottom of page) > FY 2016 Form 471 Certified.  Click on the blue Form 471 number for the application you’d like to modify and the system will take you to a summary page — click on Related Actions (left toolbar) > Submit Modification Request (RAL).


The system will then ask if you want to make corrections to the Application or to the Entities listed on your application.


If you select ‘Application’, you are given to opportunity to make changes to ‘Application Details’ or ‘Funding Request Details.’

Under ‘Application Details’, you can only make these modifications:

– Cancel the 471
– Make changes to the Nickname or Contact Person

For all other changes to your FRNs (including adding FRNs), click on ‘Funding Request Details.’ The system basically takes you back into your Form 471 and allows you to make changes after the Form has been certified.  When you’re done, click ‘Finish & Submit Request.’

It’s important to note that RAL changes cannot be made before the 471 has been submitted, and cannot be made after the application funding commitment letter (FCDL) has been issued — so don’t wait too long to make any necessary changes.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at jtschell@comcast.net.

– Julie

Julie Tritt Schell

PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f


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