FY 2018 Rebid Status of all Recurring Services in PA
October 24, 2017
Attached: FY 2018 Planning Document for Recurring Services
~ Based on FY 2017 Funding Requests and Contract Dates ~
As we begin the FY 2018 Form 470 filing season, I wanted to provide everyone with a helpful planning document for FY 2018 for your recurring services. Attached is a list of all FRNs submitted in FY 2017 and a note explaining whether they need to be rebid for FY 2018. This conclusion is drawn from a few factors – whether voice services will still be eligible for your discount band in FY 2018, whether your contract expires on or after June 2019, and whether you have any contract extensions available to be exercised so that rebidding isn’t necessary.
The data is also color coded as follows:
Red: Must rebid services.
Blue: May need to rebid, depending on whether contract extension is signed.
Black: Service under contract and no rebid is required.
Note: If voluntary extensions are available, applicants can exercise those extensions (by signing a contract extension) and not have to file a new 470.
When Must a Form 470 be Filed?
1) If a service is covered on a Month-to-Month basis (meaning no contract), a new 470 is required annually.
2) At the beginning of any new contract. Note: If you posted a Form 470 in a previous year, and then signed a multi-year contract that expires on or after June 30, 2019, you are not required to file a Form 470 for FY 2018. If you wish to exercise a voluntary extension of a contract without posting a 470, you may only do so if your contract contains the terms of the voluntary extensions (meaning the exact number of years or dates that the extensions can be exercised and it’s not just open-ended). Otherwise, you must post a Form 470 to extend the contract.
I hope this information is helpful. I will be sending additional information related to filing Form 470’s in the coming days!
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f