August 2018 E-rate Update
August 9, 2018
Happy summer, E-raters! I know E-rate is the very last thing on your mind these days, so I’ll try to keep this brief (so you’ll read it!).
- FY 2019 E-rate Window Filing Dates – USAC is expected to announce the FY 2019 filing window dates in the next few days which will be the earliest such announcement ever. The real news, however, is that they will likely announce that these will be the permanent filing dates that we can count on for all future funding years. Hurray for predictability!
- FY 2019 Form 470 Available – The FY 2019 Form 470 is now available to use if you need to start your procurements early. The Category 1 drop down options are *barely* improved from last year, unfortunately. I will be sending a complete breakdown of the changes shortly, but if you need to post a 470 before September and need assistance, please let me know. If possible, wait until you receive my 470 guidance before filing for FY 2019.
- Important – Timing of FY 2019 PEPPM Mini-Bids – If you intend to use the PEPPM Mini-bid system as the procurement vehicle for your FY 2019 Category 2 equipment purchases, NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT RELEASE A PEPPM MINI-BID TO VENDORS UNTIL AT LEAST JANUARY 2, 2019. The reason is that the current PEPPM contract expires at the end of 2018 and the next contract will not become available for use until January 2, 2019. Thus, no mini-bids can be issued to the new awarded vendors until at least that date. The Form 471 filing deadline is expected to be mid-March, which means that, assuming your PEPPM procurement is conducted in early January, your C2 contracts will have to go to your school boards in late January or February. Yes, it’s going to be a very compacted bidding/contract approval/contract signing window this year.
- FCC Requests Comments on Draft FY 2019 Eligible Services List – Each summer, the FCC releases the draft E-rate Eligible Services List for the upcoming funding year. The FY 2019 draft ESL is available at There are very few changes from last year and I expect the final ESL will be approved this fall and will almost mirror the draft. If you would like to submit comments to the FCC on the draft ESL, they are due August 29, with reply comments due September 13.
- Changing EPC Account Administrators/Adding New EPC Users: Summer often brings staffing changes and it’s important that the new staff get set up in EPC so they are prepared to file for FY 2019 this fall. Hints: Only AA’s can create new EPC user accounts and assign User ‘permissions.’ Only AAs can transfer their AA ‘credentials’ to another existing EPC User. If the AA is the new staff member and the previous AA is no longer with the school or library, contact CSB at 888-203-8100 and they will set up a new EPC AA account (only CSB can do this). Also, if you need any new E-rate contacts added to the PA E-rate Listserve, please e-mail me their contact information.
- Don’t forget to file FY 2017 BEARs – The deadline to file Form 472 BEARs for recurring services is October 28, 2018. I’ll send a message to the listserve in early September with a detailed list of who still must file (file now to not show up on this list). If you want to see the invoice status of all FY 2017 FRNs as of June 29 or review the BEAR Filing Guide, go to:
- Don’t forget to file FY 2018 Form 486s – The Form 486 tells USAC that you are CIPA compliant and services have started, and is due no later than 120 days from the FCDL date or July 1, whichever is later. I’ll send a separate message to the listserve in a few weeks showing which entities haven’t filed yet. See for a copy of the Form 486 Filing Guide. Don’t forget not to get “click happy” on the CIPA certifications as this will land your 486 in manual review and delay its approval significantly.
Enjoy the remaining days of your summer and we’ll ramp up for Funding Year 2019 in September!
— Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o
717-730-9060 – f