Next Step?  Review Your Submitted Data/Make Corrections

April 30, 2020

Attached: Incomplete 471s

Attached: Simple Data – FRNs Submitted in Window

Attached: Detailed Data – FRNs Submitted in Window

Congratulations to the 933 PA schools and libraries that submitted their FY 2020 Form 471s by midnight last night!  Knowing what you’ve had on your plates both at work and at home, and the challenges you experienced with bid openings, virtual board approvals and contract signings, I’m truly impressed how well you navigated this application window.  Two consultants and one service provider ask me if the FCC was going to extend the deadline a second time, but not a single school or library.   Awesome job, everyone.

For the E-rate data junkies among us, here’s a breakdown of our stats:

  • Total PA E-rate Requests: $61,223,923.22 ($65M in FY 2019 and$62M in FY 2018)
  • Category 1:  $36,024,408 ($37,594,810 in FY 2019)
  • Category 2:  $25,238,069 ($27,700,025 in FY 2019)
  • 2553 FRNs (2456 in FY 2019)
  • 1702 Form 471s (1629 in FY 2019)
  • Filed by 933 PA entities (909 ‘in window’ last year – 925 total)
  • Nationwide:  38,207 Form 471s were submitted, requesting $2.908B.  By comparison, 35,931 were submitted in FY 2019, requesting $2.895B ($2.77B requested in FY 2018)

What are the next immediate steps?

1. If You Missed the Form 471 Deadline:  I will be sending a separate message to explain what to do if you missed yesterday’s Form 471 filing deadline. 
2. Discard Unwanted 471s:  Attached is a list of Form 471s that were started and then not submitted.  If your name is on the list and you don’t intend to submit it), I recommend that you discard the form so the EPC system doesn’t continue to send you annoying reminders.  To do this, click on the Form 471 number in the attached list and it should take you directly into the unfinished form.  Click ‘Discard Form’ in the bottom left corner of the page.
3. Review Your Submitted Data:  Attached are two Excel files.  The first is a simple (one-tab) file showing all FRNs submitted by March 29.  The second is a very detailed (5-tabs) file that shows every piece of data submitted on the Form 471 by March 29, including FRN Line Items, Recipients of Service, Discount Calculations, etc.  Please open one of these files, filter by your entity’s name, and make sure that your data is accurate (hint: if you want to download a PDF of your application, click on the hyperlinked 471 # in the Basic Information tab of the detailed file).  If you need to make any corrections to the data you may do so by using the RAL Modification Process up until the date you receive your Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL), however with PIA reviews happening so quickly this year, it’s very important that any corrections/changes be made ASAP so the PIA reviewers can have them in-hand during their review.   Note:  You can also use the RAL to add an FRN or increase your funding request, but you will be asked to show documentation dated prior to the date you certified your Form 471 to substantiate the request.

A RAL Modification Guide and Instructions are available at:  The RAL Modification Process also should be used if you wish to cancel an FRN or an entire Form 471.

4. Prepare for PIA Review:  USAC’s PIA (Program Integrity Assurance) Team is busy reviewing applications and if they have questions or need additional information, they’ll reach out to you via e-mail.  The e-mail will contain a link to the PIA Inquiry.  I’ll send a separate message to the listserve outlining the PIA review process.

5. When Will USAC Begin Issuing FY 2020 Funding Commitment Decisions?  I expect the first wave of funding commitment letters to be issued around mid May.  FCDLs are released on a weekly basis until all applications have been decided, with a goal of releasing all FCDLs by September 1.

Congratulations, E-raters!  I’m so so proud of you!


— Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o



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