Family Survey To Assess Internet & Device Needs

June 1, 2021

Attached: Broadband Survey Flyer - Engligh
Broadband Survey Flyer - Spanish

To help schools determine which students have an “unmet need” for a connected device and/or internet access for off-campus learning, the PA Association of Intermediate Units (PAIU) and the Penn State Extension have teamed up to release a short survey for public school districts to send to parents.  The survey results will be invaluable in two ways: 1) they will serve as the data collection instrument so schools can successfully apply for the new Emergency Connectivity Fund, and 2) they will inform state and county leaders where Internet is not currently available so funding can be directed towards broadband build-out to those homes.

Attached is a one-page flyer that can be posted/sent home, which includes a QR code that families can use to access the survey from their smartphones.  Schools are asked to share the survey with their families this week through your normal communication channels — e-mail, text, all-call systems, website banners, flyers in backpacks – however you best contact your families.  The survey has three main questions, with two questions asking follow-up questions based on the initial answers.  Survey deadline is June 15.

English Survey Link:
Spanish Survey Link:

Based on geocoding of the addresses provided in the survey responses, the results will be mapped by school district and also shared in spreadsheet format with district leaders (directions on accessing the data will be forthcoming).  Below is a quick snapshot to show the addresses that already have completed the survey.

Note to Nonpublic and Charter Schools:  The online survey is for families of public school district students.  However, if you would like to create your own survey instrument for the families that attend your schools, please feel free to use the questions included in the survey document.

Thank you for your assistance in spreading the word about this invaluable survey to help ensure our students remain connected after the school day ends!


– Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o

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