A Favor: Annual FFL E-rate Survey

April 24, 2024

Hello PA E-raters!

A nationwide E-rate survey is being conducted by Funds for Learning seeking schools’ and libraries’ opinions and experiences with the E-rate program and I’m asking you to take 3 minutes and complete the survey.  You can do it anonymously, if you choose.  At the close of the survey, the results will be tabulated into a comprehensive report that will then be shared with the FCC, USAC and the general public as it is each year.  Having the most responses of any state each year is a personal goal.  Last year, 175 PA applicants took the survey (the most of any state) and I hope we can exceed that for 2024.  Thank you in advance for making sure PA is (again) well represented!

The survey is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/24erate

Survey Details:

  • The survey consists of 32 primary questions, plus 6 more optional demographic items.
  • The survey is conducted by Funds for Learning, which does not use survey responses as a marketing tool.
  • Survey results are completely confidential.
  • Only aggregate data is reported but comments are compiled and shared (anonymously).
  • If you have any positive, negative or constructive feedback that you want the FCC to know, this is the time to share.

Your feedback is important and I hope that you will take a few minutes to complete they survey in the next few days.  I always love reading the comments submitted, so please be sure to use this section wisely. : )

Thanks, everyone!

– Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
Pennsylvania E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 – o

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