Form 471, Item 25d Worksheet

Beginning with the Form 471 for 2005-2006 funding year, there is a new item – 25D – which asks the applicant to enter the total amount in your budget that has been allocated for resources that are NOT E-rate eligible. The SLD believes that these resources are necessary for the applicant to support and improve education and library services and to make effective use of the eligible services that have been requested in all Block 5 funding requests.

These resources may include, but are not limited to:

  • Hardware: such as computers, printers, fax machines, video equipment, scanners, CD-ROM drives, and application servers;
  • Professional development: such as ongoing technology-related training for technical staff, teachers and/or librarians;
  • Software: such as end-user applications;
  • Maintenance: such as systems maintenance and operations costs for ineligible hardware and software and salaries of technical staff;
  • Retrofitting: such as electrical wiring, asbestos removal, building modifications, renovations, and repairs.

Note: If you file multiple Forms 471 for this funding year, you must calculate your total budgeted amount allocated for these resources and enter that total on Item 25d of each Form 471. For example, if you complete the worksheet below and the total comes to $25,000, then you should enter $25,000 in Item 25d for every Form 471 that you file. Consortia must add the budgeted amounts for all of their member entities and enter that total on this line.

Resource Funding in Budget
Hardware $
Professional Development $
Software $
Maintenance $
Retrofitting $
TOTAL for Form 471, Item 25d $

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