Research Your Funding Request

The E-rate consulting firm, E-rate Central, has made available to every applicant a free, robust search tool that searches the SLD’s public databases and retrieves an abundance of funding request information.

funding-request_04To use the tool, Click Here and at the top left corner of the page there will be a blue box with a search field. (See example at right.)

Simply enter your a Billed Entity Number (in PA, most begin with 125), and click ‘search.’ The search engine will then show a summary chart of information related to each E-rate funding year for that particular entity.

By clicking on the particular funding year, the search engine then shows detailed information for each FRN from that funding year, including the service provider name and SPIN, amount requested, discount approved, amount dispersed.

Further, by clicking on a particular FRN, the tool will provide even more detailed information for that FRN.

The data is updated nightly.

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