E-rate Timeline

Program Action FY 2011/Year 14
FY 2010/Year 13
FY 2009/Year 12
Technology Plan Development/Approval Must be developed prior to submission of 470 for P2 services and if existing plan expires prior to July 1, 2011. Approval letter must be dated prior to start of services (July 1, 2011).
Form 470 – Request for Services
(Not required for purchases off approved statewide contracts or multi-year contracts that are based on an original Form 470 posting)
Closed. Was required to be filed between July 1, 2010 – Feb. 24, 2011 for tariffed/MTM services and on or before Feb. 24, 2011 for contracted services, which was 29 days prior to close of FY 2011 (Yr. 14) filing window. Closed Closed
Form 471 – Request for Discounts
(Official request for funds – must be submitted annually)
Window was open from Jan. 11, 2011 — March 24, 2011. Application and Item 21 attachments were required to be submitted by close of window. Window was open from Dec. 3, 2009 – Feb. 19, 2010. Closed Window was open from Dec 2, 2008 – Feb. 12, 2009. Closed
Receipt Acknowledgement Letters (RALs)
(Your assurance that Form 471 was received on time)
Done Done Done
Program Integrity Calls/Inquiries
(Final step before funding)
PIA calls are ongoing and will continue until all FY 2011 funding commitments have been made. PIA calls are ongoing and will continue until all FY 2010 funding commitments have been made. Done
Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) Began being mailed on June 20, 2011 and will be mailed on a weekly basis as applications are reviewed and all funds are committed. Began being mailed May 18, 2010 and will be mailed on a weekly basis as applications are reviewed. Done
Form 486 – Confirmation of Receipt of Services/CIPA Certification
(Must be submitted for all FRNs before money flows)
Must be postmarked no later than: 120 calendar days after the service start date featured on the Form 486 or 120 calendar days after the date of the FCDL, whichever is later. Must be postmarked no later than: 120 calendar days after the service start date featured on the Form 486 or 120 calendar days after the date of the FCDL, whichever is later. Must be postmarked no later than: 120 calendar days after the service start date featured on the Form 486 or 120 calendar days after the date of the FCDL, whichever is later.
BEAR Form (Form 472)
(Only submit if bills were not discounted by vendor)
Can be submitted quarterly, semi-annually, or at end of funding year. Deadline is Oct. 28, 2012 for recurring services; Jan. 28, 2013 for non-recurring services (Jan. 28, 2014 if FCDL dated after March 1, 2012 for non-recurring services). Can be submitted quarterly, semi-annually, or at end of funding year. Deadline is Oct. 28, 2011 for recurring services; Jan. 28, 2012 for non-recurring services (Jan. 28, 2013 if FCDL dated after March 1, 2011 for non-recurring services). Deadline was Oct. 28, 2010 for recurring services; Jan. 28, 2011 for non-recurring services (Jan. 28, 2012 if FCDL dated after March 1, 2010 for non-recurring services). Submit invoice deadline extension if you missed this deadline.
(Must be postmarked within 60 days of date on FCDL
Appeal to FCC – Policy Issues
Appeal to SLD – Processing Errors)
Will be reviewed on rolling basis. Decisions typically are made within 90 days at SLD level. Will be reviewed on rolling basis. Will be reviewed on rolling basis.

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